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Oracle Application Express (APEX) 4.2 Basic Themes and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

From APEX 5 onward Oracle recommend using the Universal Theme, which you can customise using the Theme Roller to create unique Theme Styles. If you are using APEX 5 or above, please don't follow the advice in this article!

This article covers some really basic information about APEX themes and CSS. It is meant as a quick pointer to help you start customizing your APEX look and feel.

Load a New Workspace Image

Workspace images are available for all applications to use. Application images are only usable by the specified application.

To create a new workspace image, do the following.

To create an application specific image do the following.

Reference a Logo Image

The application logo can be replaced by an image as follows.

Load a CSS

A custom cascading style sheet (CSS) can be used to alter the look and feel of APEX applications. A CSS is loaded as follows.

Reference a CSS

Add a link to a custom CCS in your page templates as follows.

The CSS should now be included in the page if you view the source.

Create a Workspace Theme

Once you are happy with your theme, you can make it available to other applications in the workspace by using it to create a workspace theme.

Using a Workspace Theme

When creating a new application, workspace themes are presented under the theme type of "Custom Themes". Once that option is selected the workspace themes are displayed and available for use as normal.

The following example explains how to switch themes to a workspace theme.

The application is now using the workspace theme.

For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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