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Terraform : Installation

This article explains how to install Terrafrom and perform the basic setup required before using it.

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Install Terraform

For Oracle Linux 8 the simplest way to install Terraform is to pull it from the developer repository.

dnf install -y oraclelinux-developer-release-el8
dnf install -y terraform

For other operating systems we can download the software from the Terraform download page.

For Windows, download and unzip the software, which just contains the "terraform.exe" file. Make sure the location of this executable is in your PATH environment variable.

set PATH=%PATH%;%homepath%\u01\software\hashicorp\terraform_0.14.6_windows_amd64

Check the Terraform installation using the following command.

terraform -v

Generate RSA Keys

Terraform needs a key pair to connect to cloud providers. On Linux we create a new private and public key using the openssl command as follows.

mkdir -p $HOME/.oci
openssl genrsa -out $HOME/.oci/my-oci-key.pem 2048
chmod 600 $HOME/.oci/my-oci-key.pem
openssl rsa -pubout -in $HOME/.oci/my-oci-key.pem -out $HOME/.oci/my-oci-key_public.pem
cat $HOME/.oci/my-oci-key_public.pem

On Windows you may already have the openssl.exe executable installed as part of a different product. In my case it was installed as part of a Vagrant installation. If not, you can download the executable from the following location.

Make sure the location of this executable is in your PATH environment variable.

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\usr\bin

We create a new private and public key using the openssl command as follows.

cd %homepath%
mkdir .oci
openssl.exe genrsa -out %homepath%\.oci\my-oci-key.pem 2048
openssl rsa -pubout -in %homepath%\.oci\my-oci-key.pem -out %homepath%\.oci\my-oci-key_public.pem
cat %homepath%\.oci\my-oci-key_public.pem

For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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