Fool Moon and Summer Knight (The Dresden Files)…


As I mentioned in a previous post, I lost my first copy of Fool Moon in New Zealand, so after finishing Grave Peril I skipped back and finished Fool Moon, then moved on to Summer Knight. The books do make some references to previous events, so reading them out of order was not the best thing to do, but I still enjoyed them.

Having said that, now I’ve completed four of the books there are a few things that are starting to grate on me. I won’t mention them specifically in case by drawing attention to them I spoil the experience for someone else. The best way I can explain it is by paraphrasing something I saw on Oprah (there is no hope for me :)). It goes something like this…

The thing that makes you fall in love with someone is often the thing that makes you want to leave them. For example:

“They are funny.” becomes “They can’t take anything seriously.”

“They are beautiful.” becomes “They are obsessed with their looks.”

“They are reliable.” becomes “They are boring.”

And so on…

Well I guess this is similar to my experience of The Dresden Files. What first drew me to them is now getting a little long in the tooth. I’ll finish the series because I’ve already bout the rest of the books, but part of me is looking forward to them and part of me is not.



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.