OTN Tour of Latin America 2012: Travelling to Cali, Colombia…


The journey from Birmingham to Cali (Colombia) was very long!

It started with a quick flight across to Amsterdam and a 1.5 hour wait for my connection to Panama. The flight to Panama took about 11 hours. It wasn’t a bad flight, but it felt super-long because I knew it wasn’t the last flight of the day. I had a 4+ hour wait at Panama for the final flight to Cali.

Panama airport is pretty small and not really the place to hang around for 4 hours. Just about the only entertainment was watching the “junk in the trunk” that was on display everywhere. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it before. It seemed like everywhere I looked was something that made Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce look like they had flat asses…

The final flight to Cali was over pretty quick. I landed and there was a guy waiting to take me to the hotel. I checked in at about midnight, and got to bed at about 01:00 local time, making it a very long and tiring day. Unfortunately, I woke at 04:00 and I’m typing this at 05:30. Today is the beginning of the jet-lag wars… I must remember to grab any opportunity to sleep, no matter how small.



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

7 thoughts on “OTN Tour of Latin America 2012: Travelling to Cali, Colombia…”

  1. @lufer Yes I know it’s really South America, but for the purposes of the tour, the north-part of south America has become Central America. It’s wasn’t my decision or my geography lesson. 🙂



  2. You have a mistake in web page the correct name of my country is COLOMBIA not columbia, because I think is a state in USA.

    Thank you.

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