Oracle OpenWorld 2012 : Day 2


The cold continues…

I decided than rather than trying to sit in sessions and struggle to cope I would do my stint at RAC Attack and spend the day on the demo grounds…

The demo grounds are a really awesome way to get information because you are often speaking to the developers and product specialists working on code itself. In my opinion, you get a much better fix on what is going on that sitting in a presentation.

I got to speak to a bunch of people for a few hours about:

  • Oracle Linux (Lenz Grimmer).
  • Unstructured Data and XML DB (Mark Drake).
    – XML DB is mandatory in 12c.
    – The new Enterprise Manager Express runs from within the database using the XML DB infrastructure,. This replaces the deprecated Database Control.
  • Optimizer enhancements in 12c (Alison Lee and Maria Colgan).
    – Adaptive Plans : The optimizer can change the plan during execution if it determines the cardinality estimates it made are not accurate.
    – Adaptive Statistics : The optimizer can store information about adaptive plans to allow it to make better estimates in future.
    – Existing information, like cardinality feedback can now be persisted, rather than being aged out and lost.
  • DBFS Enhancements in 12c.
    – Addition of WebDav support, so other platforms can use it as a real filesystem, without the Linux FUSE project.
  • Edition-Based Redefinition Enhancements in 12c.
    – Marking objects as non-editionalble.
  • Pluggable Databases in 12c.
    – Separating the internal Oracle metadata (container database – CDB) from the user metadata (plugable database – PDB)
    – Easier upgrades, clones and migrations.
    – Reduced namespace clashes. Public synonyms and DB links for each plugable database within the same instance.
  • Compression Enhancements in 12c (Graham Wood).
  • Far Sync Server (Graham Wood).
  • SQL Developer.
  • Data Redaction in 12c.
  • Data masking and data subsetting in Cloud Control 12cR2.

Sorry if I missed anyone or anything out of the list.

I think it may have been the Blogger meetup last night, but I was too tired so I went back to the hotel and dropped into a coma for a few hours. 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.