WordPress 3.8.3 – Auto Update

WordPress 3.8.3 came out yesterday. It’s a small maintenance release, with the downloads and changelog in the usual places. For many people, this update will happen automatically and they’ll just receive and email to say it has been applied.

I’m still not sure what to make of the auto-update feature of WordPress. Part of me likes it and part of me is a bit irritated by it. For the lazy folks out there, I think it is a really good idea, but for those who are on their blog admin screens regularly it might seem like a source of confusion. I currently self-host 5 WordPress blogs and the auto-update feature seems a little erratic. One blog always auto-updates as soon as the new a new release comes out. A couple sometimes do. I don’t think this blog has ever auto-updated…

I’d be interested to hear if other self-hosting WordPress bloggers have had a similar experience…

