#!/bin/sh # # This script needs to be run by the root user. It needs to be modified # for the environment in which it's to be run. See comments below. # # Due to the number of commands that need to be executed by the root user # within this script and due to the fact that these command can fail under # different circumstances, Oracle recommends that, initially, each command # be performed manually (instead of running via this script). After required # changes are made and after some level of comfort is attained for the # successfull and repeatable execution of each command, this script should # be used to execute all commands. # /bin/su - oracle -c "/u01/app/oracle/dba/stopAS10g904infra.sh /u01/app/oracle/product/904_infra asdb password clust01.mydomain.com:0.0 clust01.mydomain.com" # Uncomment the previous line after replacing: # ORACLE_USER with the username that installed the 9iAS 9.0.2 Infrastructure # PATHOFSTOPSCRIPT with the full path of the stop9ias902infra.sh script # (which is included in the same package (in the same directory) that this # script came from) # ORACLE_HOME with the ORACLE_HOME of the 9iAS 9.0.2 Infrastructure # ORACLE_SID with the ORACLE_SID of the 9iAS 9.0.2 Infrastructure # IAS_PASS with the 9iAS Instance Password set during the 9iAS 9.0.2 # Infrastructure install # DISPLAY with the DISPLAY value of your display # LHOSTNAME with the fully qualified logical hostname that will be used for # this solution # Example: /bin/su - oracle -c "/home/oracle/ias902_cfc/stop9ias902infra.sh /oracle/ias902/infra iasdb welcome1 mydisplay:0.0 infrahost.oracle.com" # #/sbin/ifconfig eth0:1 down # Uncomment the previous line; no replacement is needed # #/bin/umount ORACLE_HOME_MP # Uncomment the previous line after replacing: # ORACLE_HOME_MP with the directory where the filesystem containing the # 9iAS 9.0.2 Infrastructure is mounted on (ie, the mount point) # Example: /bin/umount /oracle #