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APEX Tips : Create and Remove APEX Workspace Using the Command Line
This article demonstrates how to create and remove APEX workspaces using the command line (SQL*Plus or SQLcl).
Related articles.
Create an APEX Workspace
We will create a new tablespace and user to act as our workspace user. The user needs a specific set of privileges, which we can source from the APEX_GRANTS_FOR_NEW_USERS_ROLE
conn sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1 as sysdba declare l_ts_name varchar2(30) := 'test_ws_ts'; l_db_username varchar2(30) := 'test_ws'; l_db_password varchar2(30) := 'test_ws_passwd'; begin -- Create tablespace. execute immediate 'create tablespace ' || l_ts_name || ' datafile size 100m autoextend on next 100m'; -- Create user. execute immediate 'create user ' || l_db_username || ' identified by ' || l_db_password || ' default tablespace ' || l_ts_name || ' quota unlimited on ' || l_ts_name; -- Grant privileges. for cur_rec in (select privilege from sys.dba_sys_privs where grantee = 'APEX_GRANTS_FOR_NEW_USERS_ROLE') loop execute immediate 'grant ' || cur_rec.privilege || ' to ' || l_d_username; end loop; end; /
With the workspace user in place, we can create the workspace itself using the ADD_WORKSPACE
procedure in the APEX_INSTANCE_ADMIN
package. We also need to create the workspace administrator user, which we do using the CREATE_USER
procedure in the APEX_UTIL
declare l_workspace varchar2(30) := 'TEST_WS'; l_db_username varchar2(30) := 'TEST_WS'; l_admin_username varchar2(30) := 'admin'; l_admin_password varchar2(30) := 'adminPasswd123'; l_admin_email varchar2(30) := 'admin@example.com'; begin apex_instance_admin.add_workspace( p_workspace => l_workspace, p_primary_schema => l_db_username); apex_util.set_workspace( p_workspace => l_workspace); apex_util.create_user( p_user_name => l_admin_username, p_web_password => l_admin_password, p_developer_privs => 'ADMIN:CREATE:DATA_LOADER:EDIT:HELP:MONITOR:SQL', p_email_address => l_admin_email, p_default_schema => l_db_username, p_change_password_on_first_use => 'Y' ); commit; end; /
We can see the workspace has been created using the APEX_WORKSPACES
column workspace_name format a30 column schema format a30 select workspace_name, schema from apex_workspace_schemas where workspace_name = 'TEST_WS' order by 1; WORKSPACE_NAME SCHEMA ------------------------------ ------------------------------ TEST_WS TEST_WS SQL> column workspace_name format a30 column user_name format a30 select workspace_name, user_name from apex_workspace_apex_users where workspace_name = 'TEST_WS' order by 1, 2; WORKSPACE_NAME USER_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ TEST_WS ADMIN SQL>
Remove an APEX Workspace
To drop our workspace we need to remove the workspace, drop the workspace user, and remove the tablespace we created.
declare l_workspace varchar2(30) := 'TEST_WS'; l_db_username varchar2(30) := 'TEST_WS'; l_ts_name varchar2(30) := 'test_ws_ts'; begin apex_instance_admin.remove_workspace(l_workspace); execute immediate 'drop user ' || l_db_username || ' cascade'; execute immediate 'drop tablespace ' || l_ts_name || ' including contents and datafiles'; end; /
We can see the workspace is no longer present.
column workspace_name format a30 column schema format a30 select workspace_name, schema from apex_workspace_schemas where workspace_name = 'TEST_WS' order by 1; no rows selected SQL> column workspace_name format a30 column user_name format a30 select workspace_name, user_name from apex_workspace_apex_users where workspace_name = 'TEST_WS' order by 1, 2; no rows selected SQL>
For more information see:
Hope this helps. Regards Tim...