Karate Grading and The Departed…


I failed my 3rd Dan Karate grading at the weekend. There’s lots I could say, but it is all irrelevant. Never mind. I’ll try again and pass it in 6 months.

On a lighter note, I went to see The Departed last night. It is a totally awesome film!!! I highly recommend it to anyone. I’ve never understood the appeal of Leonardo DiCaprio until now. He is a fantastic actor, sure to be one of the greats. Matt Damon is cool and of course Jack Nicholson is superb, as always. Although not a major role, Mark Wahlberg’s character is very funny and certainly adds a lot to the film. The film is full of violence and expletivies, so it’s not for the faint hearted. Go and see it!



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

5 thoughts on “Karate Grading and The Departed…”

  1. Just how violent is “full of violence”? I mean Casino wasn’t “full” of violence but what there was fairly strong.

    Cheers, APC

  2. I guess I should have said, “Full of expletives and some violence”. It’s got some nasty violent scenes, but it’s not constant. I guess Casino is a good comparison. Another classic. 🙂



  3. Darn! 3rd dan, as well! I got out of Judo too early… 🙂

    Anyways: hope you get it next time around. It’s not easy at all, although some think it’s just a matter of shouting loud and making wide gestures. I still feel the pangs from the broken pelvis in the championship where I bailed out. And that was 35 years ago…

    I’ve been following LdC for quite a while. Agree with you entirely: he’s excellent! His performance in Aviator and the perfect match with KB has been so under-rated it begs disbelief. It’s his best movie so far, IMHO. Will keep an eye out for this new one.

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