
Last night I finished “Lasher”, the second book in “The Lives of the Mayfair Witches” series by Anne Rice. As expected, this follows on from the first book, “The Witching Hour”. Same characters and similar “goings on”. Maybe I was distracted by the events of the last few weeks, but I really didn’t get caught up in this one.

Most of Anne Rice’s books have several story lines, each told in chunks, constantly messing with the time, and finally bringing it all together. I seemed to struggle with that in this book. I guess part of that was because I was really into some of the story lines, but quite bored by others. I would reach the end of one chapter, desperate to know what happens next, only to find I had to read 80 pages of dull crap before I could continue.

If the book had been half the size and contained only those story lines I liked I would be saying it was a classic, but it’s not.



Getting back into the routine…

These last few weeks have been rather odd and I’m really struggling to get back into some sort of routine. I’ve spent a lot of time doing Yoga and general stretching in addition to my knee rehab work. Tonight is my first Karate session since the operation. The physio is pretty happy with everything, so I’ve just got to go carefully on it and see how it goes. I’m not totally convinced I’m ready to go back, but there is only one way to be sure!



I’m back…

With the operation and Christmas over, I’m back at work. Kind of an anti-climax…

Christmas was a bit weird. After an extended break with the knee thing, having time off for Christmas seemed a bit odd. In total, I’ve been out of the office for a little over 3 weeks.

Anyway, back to the real world…

Andrew Clarke spotted a gaff in one of the examples in my PL/SQL Tuning book. Click here to check it out. Sorry to anyone who has experienced an issue with this, and thanks to Andrew for pointing it out.



Update: I’ve notified the publisher of the corrections.

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