Travel Stress Continued…


Just to continue my Travel Stress theme, it’s now Saturday, I fly on Tuesday. As yet I have no idea about:

  • Locations of training rooms.
  • Hotel reservations. I believe they have been made for me (I hope), but I don’t know any addresses.
  • Ground transportation. I don’t know if this is arranged by OU or me, but as I’ve not been given any addresses yet it’s a bit of a worry.
  • Flight payments. I received some invoices from Oracle Travel, but they appear to have invoiced me for the original flights, not the revised flights, so I’m not sure I have actually paid for the flights yet and therefore I can’t be sure I’m actually going to make it to some of the locations.

I’m not too happy at the thought of starting a trip when I don’t know any addresses in the places I’m visiting and I’m not even sure my flights between some of the locations have been paid for.

Stress. Aaarrrggghhhh!!!!



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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