Participation Inequality in Clubs and Communities…

The subject of parental participation in kids clubs came up in conversation today and it reminded me of the 90-9-1 rule and a recent post about the usage of Twitter.

I’ve been involved in a number of clubs and classes since University, and in recent years I’ve been witness to the clubs that kids of my friends and family attend. In most cases, they follow a similar pattern. There are a very small number of highly motivated people who keep the club functioning. A slightly larger number of people who hang around in the periphery, stepping in from time to time to help out, but shying away from any formal commitment. Finally you have the vast majority of people who do nothing but drop off their kids and let them get on with it.

Sound familiar? 🙂

I’m sure you’ve seen a similar pattern yourself in clubs, online communities and even in companies you’ve worked for.



UltraEdit for Mac/Linux v2.1.0.3…

Followers of the blog will know I’m a big fan of UltraEdit. I have a multi-platform unlimited upgrades license, so I run it on Linux, Mac and occasionally on a Windows VM.

I noticed today that version was released for Mac and Linux about a month ago. Not sure how I missed that on the update notices. 🙂 The changes for Mac are not that big because it was already at version 2.x, but the Linux version had been hanging around the 1.x for some time now and was missing a lot of functionality compared to the Mac version. This latest release is a pretty big catch-up for the Linux version and it now contains pretty much all of the functionality I use on a regular basis.

Both the Mac and Linux versions are still lagging behind the Windows version in terms of total functionality, but who cares about Windows… 🙂



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