Oracle OpenWorld 2014 : The Journey Begins

I did my normal last minute packing last night. After a quick panic this morning, I was off in the taxi I for the airport.

I find it amazing how sense goes out of the window at airports. There was a big sign saying “Put empty trays on rollers”, so people were either leaving them or stacking them up. Either way, they were getting in the way. WTF? RTMF!

The first flight to Frankfurt was fine. While waiting to board I was staring at the guy in front thinking, “I’m sure I could do his fade better than that!” I might have to start… 🙂

The flight to SFO went without incident. I met Joze SenegacnikØyvind Isene, Martin Bach and Harshad Oak during it. 🙂 Once we landed, it was the airport shuttle to the hotel, then straight out with the family for some food. Its sad that we only get to meet at conferences. 🙂

Tomorrow is the ACED briefing, so lots of tweets telling people I can’t tell them what his going on. 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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