Oracle OpenWorld and Code One 2018 : It’s a Wrap!

Here are some top-level thoughts about what happened over the week at Oracle OpenWorld and Oracle Code One.

  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) has come of age. I spoke to a bunch of non-Oracle folks who are using OCI for real workloads and the general perception was that it delivers. Of course the Oracle folks are going to say this, which I why I didn’t ask them. 🙂 It’s taken some time for Oracle to get to this point, but they finally seem to have the infrastructure to move forward with the rest of their services.
  • There was a continued focus on automation and the autonomous services. I understand some people seem conflicted about this, but this is a continuation of what’s been happening over the last 20 years. As I’ve said before, what we have now is not the destination. It’s the start (of this part) of the journey.
  • All the base (on-prem) products continue to evolve. As has been the case in recent years, the evolution of Oracle products seems to be based on the features Oracle themselves need to improve their cloud services, but that is fine as it’s making the products better for us on-prem customers too.
  • Oracle’s support of Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is interesting. Allowing people to do the same thing on-prem and in the cloud is good for a couple of reasons. It helps people in the migration from on-prem to cloud. It also stops people feeling trapped on a cloud service. The former is great for cloud providers from an adoption perspective, but the latter is a little scary I guess. It’s important cloud providers don’t give people a reason to want to move off their services!
  • Speaking to non-Oracle folks, there is a perception that Oracle still lags behind on the customer service side of things. I wrote about this a couple of years ago in a post called Oracle: Tech Company or Service Company? I hope Oracle focus on this. There is no point having great tech if people don’t feel confident about using it because of the customer service side of things.
  • I’m a little confused by the re-branding of  “Oracle Groundbreakers” and the “Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassadors”. I miss Oracle Technology Network (OTN). 🙂

Here are the posts related to this trip.

Thanks to the Oracle ACE Program and the Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassadors Program for making this trip possible for me. Let’s see what the coming year brings…



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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