Tablespace Encryption in 11g…

I spent yesterday looking at the Tablespace Encryption feature in Oracle 11g. If you’ve used the Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) feature in 10g release 2, you’ll see this is more of the same. The difference here is eveything in the tablespace is encrypted, rather than having to decide on a column-by-column basis. Just create the appropriate tablespace and Bob’s your uncle!

You may notice the article conveniently side-steps the Hardware Security Modules related functionality. I don’t have one so I can’t test it out. 🙂

For most of the stuff I work on, encrypting all the columns in a table is overkill, but I guess there are some areas where this is a big priority. It’s good to know it’s there in case you ever need it. 🙂



Lots of good stuff out there…

There’s some good stuff out on the net today:

  • Tom is back and talking about the level of skills in the IT industry. I think we all share his pain. 🙂
  • Mary Ann Davidson has a great piece on security. This links in nicely with what Tom was saying, in so far as it relates to skills with the IT industry, albeit from a security standpoint.
  • Continuing the security theme, Pete Finnigan made some comments on my recent article on fine grained network access controls. I still get a kick out of being mentioned by famous bloggers, even if it is an attempt to keep me on the straight and narrow. Thanks for the heads-up Pete. 🙂
  • Jake from Oracle AppsLab has a piece on the move back to the desktop. I find myself having conversations on this subject so often these days.
  • Finally, David Aldridge is trying to add fuel to a fire. 🙂

Sorry to everyone I didn’t mention. 🙂



Vodafone roaming charges…

I’ve spent the last few weeks in discussion with Vodafone about what I believe is a scandalous bill for roaming data charges. Vodafone agreed to reduce the bill by 25%, but this still represents daylight robbery.

Fast forward a few weeks and the BBC’s Watchdog program highlighted several cases similar to mine, where people had been charged ridiculous sums of money for trivial amounts of data transfer. All the people mentioned in that program had their bills reduced by 100%.

Vodafone should apply the same discount to all people in the same circumstances, not make a big deal about a couple of high profile cases then exploit the rest of us.

I would like to take this opportunity to pass on a few bits of advise for anyone dealing with Vodafone, or any other mobile phone network for that matter.

  • Do not deal with the regular call center. Go straight for the cancellations department and start your conversation with the phrase, “I want to cancel my contract.” As soon as you do this you will speak to someone who can actually make a decision. Invariably they will offer you something to keep you on your contract. This may be a bill adjustment or a new phone etc. I’m not saying you will get the perfect answer, but it’s a start.
  • Write emails to every consumer show, ombudsman and regulatory body you can. Someone like Watchdog may pick up your case and shame the company into doing the right thing. I’m convinced if I had written to Watchdog one month earlier I would have had my bill reduced to nothing. As it is I’m Billy Anonymous and Vodafone are happy to ignore me.
  • Be as big a pain in the butt as you can. They are exploiting you. The least you can do is give them a hard time about it.
  • Vote with your wallet. Once this whole affair is over I will never put money into Vodafone’s pockets again.

I’m sure all networks are guilty of this sort of behavior, but I can only speak about my experience of Vodafone. After 10+ years of being a satisfied Vodafone customer, I can safely say I think they’ve now dropped off the bottom of my customer satisfaction chart!

Hell hath no fury like a Tim scorned. 🙂



Never Back Down…

I went to see Never Back Down on Saturday evening. The trailer looked like an episode of “The O.C.” or “One Tree Hill” with some fighting in, so I was expecting it to be really bad. On looking at the cast list, it turns out some of the cast have appeared in episodes of those shows, I wasn’t too far off the money.

The story is essentially just a remake of the Karate Kid movie, using Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) rather than Karate. Just like the Karate Kid movie, there wasn’t a great deal of martial arts in this film.

If you like vacuous shows like the O.C and On Tree Hill you will probably love this. If you go expecting to see a martial arts film you will be very disappointed. There were a few moments of interest, but for the most part it was well worth missing. 🙂

The trailer for Iron Man looks fantastic. Almost worth the cinema trip to see this trailer. 🙂



Fine-Grained Access to Network Services in 11g…

Continuing my OCP 11g upgrade campaign, I’ve been looking at Fine-Grained Access to Network Services in Oracle Database 11g Release 1.

This represents a pretty major security improvement for Oracle 11g. In previous versions the all-or-nothing security associated with database callouts was a little ham-fisted to say the least.

On the down side, I think it will confuse a few people when they are upgrading existing databases, but it’s a small price to pay for the peace of mind.



Back to normality…

Yesterday was so confusing. The obvious April fools day jokes were fine, but I found myself starting to doubt everything. Towards the end of the day I started to just mark posts as read because I couldn’t be bothered to try and decide if they were fictitious or not. If any one said anything really important yesterday and was expecting me to read it, I’m really sorry, but I probably missed it.

I sound like a right grumpy old sod now. 🙂



WordPress 2.5…

There’s been a lot of fuss about WordPress 2.5 over the last few weeks, most of which seems to be negative press about bad design of the adminstration pages.

Well, it’s finally here, and if you are reading this then the upgrade of my blogs have been successful.

I can’t say I really like the new administration pages much myself, but the blogs look the same and seem to work fine so I guess I can’t complain. 🙂



Native Oracle XML DB Web Services…

I’ve been playing around with Native Oracle XML DB Web Services in Oracle 11g Release 1 for a while and I’ve finally decided to release the article.

One of the reasons it’s been on the back burner for some time is I’ve been having trouble with the anonymous access configuration. I’ve still not got this sorted, but I decided to open it up and leave that section as a work in progress. I’ll keep looking at it and update that section if I get a satisfactory solution.



Update: I received the following quote on Metalink from the “Global Technical Lead XML Database”:

“Anonymous access to web services is not possible. Direct PL/SQL access without authentication would be a massive security hole.”

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