Plagiarism in the largest possible way… (Part 2)

You’ll know from a previous post that my whole website was ripped by someone. It now looks as though his hosting company has done the right thing and withdrawn his whole site as a result of my complaint. For anyone who suffers a similar issue, here’s what you need to do to try and resolve the issue.

  • Contact the person who ripped the site and ask them to remove it. There’s no point getting nasty if it was an “honest” mistake. You can use DNS Stuff to locate the owner of the domain and get their contact details.
  • If that doesn’t help, the WhoIs information from DNS Stuff will tell you the names of the DNS servers used by the site. Usually, these DNS names relate to the hosting provider. You can look them up and find their “abuse” contact. You can then report the issue directly to their hosting company. When you do this you have to provide certain information. I’ll get back to this later.
  • If that fails, you can always find the owner of the IP address, which may not be the hosting company, and you can report the incident to them.
  • If the site has any advertising you can contact the relevant companies (Amazon, Google etc.) and inform them of the issue. Their Ts&Cs usually state that such acts will result in the accounts being suspended.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) sets guidelines for what information must be presented to a service provider in such cases. If you do not provide all the information, worded in a similar fashion to the original document, they are within their rights to ignore your complaint. As a result, it’s worth sticking pretty rigidly to the recommended format.

Hopefully, you won’t need this information! 🙂



Plagiarism in the largest possible way…

Take a look at this:

You’ll notice that this a complete copy of my website. Pratically the only thing that has changed is the articles now say, ” Hope this helps. Regards Ankit…”, rather than, ” Hope this helps. Regards Tim…”. This is totally unbelievable! He’s even used my home page:

I’ve written an email to the guy in question telling him to remove this stuff immediately.

If anyone out the would like to voice heir opinion on this matter I suggest you email him at

This is unbelievable!


Update: I’ve contacted the guys service provider, detailing the copyright infringement. Let’s see if they stick to their copyright infringement policy and remove this stuff!

Update2: I’ve sent a few more emails based on some suggestions in the comments for this post. Google Adsense are now investigating the violation of their Ts&Cs. Hopefully, this guy will have his Adsense account closed. In addition to his hosting company, I’ve contacted the owner of his IP address detailing the issue. This company claims to take these matters seriously, so let’s see what happens…

Just past the half-way point…

I mentioned in a previous post, I’m teaching a friends Yoga classes while he’s in India. Well, I’ve just past the half-way point now. I like teaching the classes, but it does make my days rather chaotic. Yesterday was totally mad. It went something like:

  • Wake up.
  • Do a light warmup followed by some leg swings (dynamic, not ballistic). I’m trying to improve my dynamic flexibility. 🙂
  • In work about 30 minutes early.
  • Swim a lunchtime.
  • Left work on time.
  • Out for a short run (about 3 miles) in an attempt to make up for missing Karate, followed by a quick stretch.
  • Off to the sports center to teach two Yoga classes (one Hatha and one Ashtanga).
  • Back home to bed.

It’s like I’m constantly chasing my tail at the moment. I’m going on a week long Karate course at the start of August. It’s going to seem like a holiday compared to recent weeks! 🙂



District 13

I went to watch District 13 on Saturday evening. It stars David Belle, who is regarded as the originator of “Le Parkour” (free running), and Cyril Raffaelli, who seems to know his stuff as far as fighting is concerned. It’s a french film, co-written by Luc Besson, so learn the lingo or take your reading glasses 🙂

Visually the film works really well, as you would expect from anything involving Luc Besson. The fight sequences are spectacular, with Cyril showing off some cool moves. He’s very inspiring and definitely knows his s**t! Of course, the most amazing part of the film is the free running. I love watching this stuff. It’s nice to watch wire-work in films like “Croutching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” and “The Matrix”, but when you see what the human body is capable without wires and crash-mats it’s totally awe inspiring. This film is like Ong Bak on steroids!

A must for any adrenalin junky!



Low Turnout…

It’s been really hot the last couple of days and last night I had to teach two Yoga classes for a friend who is on holiday. The first class had two people in it, and the second had four people. 🙂 I guess most people couldn’t stand the thought of doing anything in the heat. The classes went well, but I would rather have gone to Karate 🙂



Pirates and Super Heros…

After last weeks abortive attempt to see Pirates of the Caribbean, I finally got in this week. Jonny Depp was his cool self. He rarely manages to put a foot wrong in his films. If you liked the first one you’ll like this one too, and vice versa. I did enjoy the film, but at 2.5 hours long it requires some stamina in the backside region 🙂 They could have easily chopped out 30-45 minutes from the film and not lost anything.

The following night I went to see Superman Returns, another 2.5 hour film. I suppose it’s worth mentioning, I’m not a big superman fan. Well, I just didn’t see the point of this film. I felt like I was watcing every other superman film. There was nothing wrong with it, but I felt it added nothing either. I’m sure it will be a major success and spark a new franchise, but I think I’m the wrong side of 15 years old. 🙂

Some of the stills from the new Spiderman film look really cool, especially the ones where he becomes Venom. I quite liked the first film, but I hated the second one. If I hear the line, “With great power comes great responsibility”, one more time I’m going to puke. Less talking, less nausiating nostalgia, less rubbish love interest and more action please!



Feeling Fragile…

I took a bit of a beating at Karate last night, so I’m feeling a little fragile this morning.

Monday night was tough. One of the instructors took me aside and worked with me one-on-one for the whole lesson. I just went up an down the hall constantly doing combinations and the six katas I need for my next grading. I thought I was going to puke, but I survived. Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger… Or so I thought.

Last night we did quite alot of partner work, then switched to lineups. For those who don’t know, a lineup is where you stand at the front of the class while a bunch of people take it in turns to attack you with a single technique, which you must block and counter attack. After a few rounds the speed gradually builds up to a point where it’s a little frenzied. Finally, when the class was finished I did some sparring with one of the instructors. Once again, this started quite light and ended up with the pair of us lying on the floor, still trying to punch and kick each other 🙂

When I got home I took stock of my injuries, which included:

  • A sore right elbow, caused by one of my punches being blocked on the elbow joint. Ouch!
  • A very painful right shoulder, caused by a stray punch that was meant to hit my head, but fortunately hit my shoulder instead. It hurts to raise my arm above shoulder height.
  • Swollen right hand, where I managed to punch somebodies elbow. I best avoid punching with that hand for a coupe of weeks.
  • A miriad of bruises on my forearms and shins from blocking punches and kicks.
  • A big green bruise on my chest, presumably where I got hit, although I really can’t remember it…

For the rest of the night I lay on my bed moving an ice pack from one bit of my body to the next. The only real problem is the shoulder, which feels like it’s going to take a few days to fix. Unfortunately, I have to go swimming at lunchtime, teach Ashtanga Yoga tonight and of course, go to Karate tomorrow…

What’s more, one of my friends is going to India for a little over two weeks, so starting next week I’ve got to teach his Hatha and Astanga Yoga classes while he’s away. I can just see their faces now when I turn up all battered and bruised with the odd joint that won’t move. Not exactly what you expect a Yoga teacher to look like 🙂

It’s going to be a long couple of weeks… 🙂



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