VirtualBox 6.1.26, Vagrant 2.2.18 and Packer 1.7.4

Hot on the heels of VirtualBox 6.1.24 we get version 6.1.26. Let’s be honest, you knew it was coming right? 🙂

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

When I shutdown some VMs before the VirtualBox upgrade, I noticed Vagrant 2.2.18 had been released. Downloads here.

I’ll need to rebuild my Vagrant boxes again, so I thought I should check if there was a new Packer version. Sure enough, Packer 1.7.4 was available. Downloads here. It came out just over a week ago, but I hadn’t noticed.

They are all installed now, so I’ve just got to start doing some Vagrant box builds. Happy days… 🙂



Update: I used Packer to rebuild my OL7 and OL8 vagrant boxes. They are now uploaded to Vagrant Cloud.

VirtualBox 6.1.20 & Vagrant 2.2.15

VirtualBox 6.1.20 has been released.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual locations.

While I was playing around with VirtualBox I noticed Vagrant 2.2.15 has been released. You can download it here.

I’ve installed both of those on Windows 10, macOS Big Sur and Oracle Linux 7 hosts. So far so good.

With the release of the Oracle patches I’ll be doing a lot of Vagrant and Docker builds in the coming days, so I should get to exercise this pretty well.

I’ll also do the Packer builds of my Vagrant boxes with the new versions of the guest additions. They take a while to upload, so they should appear on Vagrant Cloud in the next couple of days.

Happy upgrading!



VirtualBox 6.1.18

VirtualBox 6.1.18 has been released.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I’ve installed it on Windows 10, macOS Big Sur and Oracle Linux 7 hosts with no problems.

I’ll be running new Packer builds for the oraclebase/oracle-7 and oraclebase/oracle-8 vagrant boxes, so they should appear with the new version of the guest additions over the next day or so.




Vagrant & Docker Builds : ORDS and SQLcl 20.3

In a previous post I discussed the recent release of APEX 20.2 and the subsequent builds it triggered. Last night I pulled down ORDS 20.3 and SQLcl 20.3, so I updated my Vagrant and Docker builds again.

The ORDS download page is here. At the time of writing, the SQLcl download page is still showing 20.2, but the SQL Developer download page has a link for the 20.3 SQLcl download at the bottom. Both these versions have been available for about a week. Update: It’s showing 20.3 on both SQLcl pages now. 🙂


All my GitHub Vagrant builds that include ORDS and SQLcl have been updated to use version 20.3.

I had previously updated Tomcat, and a few days ago I updated Java as soon as AdoptOpenJDK was available.


This is pretty much the same as the Vagrant story.

The relevant GitHub Docker builds, like the ORDS containers, have been updated to include ORDS and SQLcl 20.3.

They are on the latest release of Tomcat and Java from AdoptOpenJDK.


As always, this is made simple using automation! 🙂



VirtualBox 6.1.16

VirtualBox 6.1.16 has been released.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I’ve done the installation on Windows 10, macOS and Oracle Linux 7 hosts with no drama.

I’ll be running new Packer builds for the oraclebase/oracle-7 and oraclebase/oracle-8 vagrant boxes, so they should appear with the new version of the guest additions over the next day or so.



PS. It seems I didn’t write a blog post about the release of 6.1.14, but I am using it on all my servers. Interesting… I can only assume I was abducted by aliens immediately after upgrading to 6.1.14. It’s the only possible explanation!

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