VirtualBox 6.1 : No compatible version of Vagrant yet! (or is there?)

VirtualBox 6.1 was released on the 11th of December and I totally missed it.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I spotted it this morning, downloaded it and installed in straight away. I had no installation dramas on Windows 10, macoS Catalina and Oracle Linux 7 hosts.

The problem *for me* was the current version of Vagrant (2.2.6) doesn’t support VirtualBox 6.1 yet. I can’t live without Vagrant these days, so I installed VirtualBOx 6.0.14 again and normal life resumed. See Update.

I’m sure there will be a new release of Vagrant soon that supports VirtualBox 6.1, but for now if you use Vagrant, don’t upgrade to VirtualBox 6.1 yet. I’m sure you won’t have to wait long… See Update.



Update 1 : A couple of people Peter Wahl and Andrea Cremonesi pointed me at this post by Simon Coter, which contains config changes to allow Vagrant 2.2.6 to run with VirtualBox 6.1.

Update 2 : I’ve followed Simon’s post and it worked fine. If you are using Windows 10 as the host and have done a default installation of Vagrant, the files he’s discussing are in these directories.



Update 3 : I updated by work PC also. It required a couple of reboots to get things working. I think it may be something to do with the way we do security here. It’s working fine now.

Virtualbox 6.0.14

Virtualbox 6.0.14 was released recently.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I’ve done the install on Windows 10, macOS Catalina and Oracle Linux 7 hosts with no drama.

If I’m being super picky, the scaling on Windows 10 is kind-of wacky.

Having said that, it seems loads of apps have weird issues when dealing with a laptop with a 4K panel, and a secondary monitor that’s not 4k (it’s 3440×1440).

I rarely open the gui, as I do most things with Vagrant, version 2.2.6 out now, so after this post I will probably forget this was even an issue… 😉

On macOS and Oracle Linux 7 hosts everything is visually fine.

The important bit is I’ve done a bunch of builds and not hit any issues. Happy days! 🙂



PS. Check out my Vagrant builds for Oracle 19c.

There is a video that shows you how they work here.

VirtualBox 6.0.12

I know I’ve been distracted with the lead up to OpenWorld and Code One 2019, but how did I miss this release? VirtualBox 6.0.12 arrived two weeks ago.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

Being a reckless type, I downloaded it and installed it on my Windows 10m laptop this morning. I’ve got a live demo in 2 hours!

The install was fine and my Vagrant VMs start with no problems. More extensive testing and installations on Oracle Linux and macOS hosts will happen when I get home, but so far so good!



Video : Vagrant : Oracle Database Build (19c on OL8)

Today’s video is an example of using Vagrant to perform an Oracle database build.

In this example I was using Oracle 19c on Oracle Linux 8. It also installs APEX 19.1, ORDS 19.2, SQLcl 19.2, with ORDS running on Tomcat 9 and OpenJDK 12.

If you’re new to Vagrant, there is an introduction video here. There’s also an article if you prefer to read that.

If you want to play around with some of my other Vagrant builds, you can find them here.

If you want to read about some of the individual pieces that make up this build, you can find them here.

The star of today’s video is Noel Portugal. It’s been far too long since I’ve seen you dude!



VirtualBox 6.0.10

VirtualBox 6.0.10 has been released.

The downloads and changelogs are in the usual places.

I’ve installed it on my Windows 10 laptop at work. I’ll install it on my Windows 10, macOS Mojave and Oracle Linux 7 hosts tonight and update here. (see update below)

I’ll be working through my Vagrant builds over the coming days, to check everything works OK. I’ll report back here if something comes out of the woodwork.



Update: The installations on Windows 10, macOS Mojave and Oracle Linux 7 worked fine. So far, all Vagrant builds are working as expecting.

VirtualBox 6.0.8

VirtualBox 6.0.8 was released last night.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I’ve done this install on my Windows 10 laptop at work. No dramas on either. I’ll probably do the installations at home on Windows 10, macOS Mojave and Oracle Linux 7 hosts tonight. I’ll add an update here when I’ve done that.

Some Vagrant builds are running now… 🙂



Update: Installations on Windows 10, macOS Mojave and Oracle Linux 7 hosts at home went fine. Running through some Vagrant builds now.

My Vagrant Habit

I’ve posted a lot about automation and Vagrant over the last year. It’s got to the point where I find it quite difficult/annoying to create a VM manually anymore. I hadn’t really noticed this until a couple of days ago…

I wanted to try some stuff out with Fedora 30, which is currently in beta. I had a look and couldn’t find any Vagrant boxes for Fedora 30, so I downloaded the ISO image and started to do a manual creation of a VM. It wasn’t very long before I got really annoyed, because it felt so clumsy, and there were so many silly little things I had to do that Vagrant either does for me, or are really simple to configure with Vagrant. After a few minutes I threw my toys out of the pram and started to read up on creating a Vagrant base box. In all this time I had never created one for myself. Turns out it’s really simple.

Once I had that in my Vagrant box list, I could quickly bang out a number of tests. Happy days…

So what did this teach me? It seems I’ve become totally and utterly intolerant of doing anything manually! 🙂



VirtualBox 6.0.6

VirtualBox 6.0.6 was released last night.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

So far I’ve only had a chance to install it on my Windows 10 laptop at home and my Windows 10 laptop at work. No dramas on either. I’ll probably do the installations on macOS Mojave and Oracle Linux 7 hosts tonight. I’ll add an update here to say how they’ve gone.

With all the other Oracle updates that have just come out, I’ll be doing loads of Vagrant and Docker builds over the next couple of evenings, so this should get a reasonable workout.



Update: The installations on macOS Mojave and Oracle Linux 7 hosts worked fine too.

VirtualBox 6.0.4

VirtualBox 6.0.4 has been released. Hot on the heels of version 6.0.2, we got this new release last night (UK time).

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I’ve installed it on my Windows 10 laptop at work. I’ll do my personal Windows 10 laptop, old MBP and OL7 server when I get home, and post an update here to say how I got on.



Update: Everything went fine with the installation on my Windows 10 laptop, MBP running macOS Mojave and server running Oracle Linux 7.

VirtualBox 6.0.2

VirtualBox 6.0.2 has been released.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I’ve installed it on my Windows 10 laptop at work, which I use with Vagrant for testing of Oracle, WebLogic, Tomcat server builds, as well as Docker builds. I’ll do my personal Windows 10 laptop, old MBP and OL7 server when I get home.

Update: I’ve done an install on my Windows 10 laptop, MackBook Pro running macOS Mojave and a server running Oracle Linux 7. The installations of VirtualBox 6.0.2 on all hosts worked fine. I rebuilt a bunch of VMs using Vagrant 2.2.3 and everything looks good.



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