WordPress 2.5 linking problem…

I guess anyone following this blog will have noticed the problems I have when trying to link to other pages on this domain. It has been a common occurence for the first comment on every post about a new article to point out the link to the article doesn’t work…

It would appear that when I place a link to an article on oracle-base.com, WordPress tries to strip off the domain to make it a relative reference. I guess that makes sense when linking to other blog posts because it means you can move the blog to a new domain and not break all the links. The problem occurs when the link is to the main website, which is effectively an external site. More often than not, this results in a broken link. When I link to pages not part of oracle-base.com, it work fine.

This only seems to have happened since I moved to WordPress 2.5…

Is anyone else having this problem? 



WordPress 2.5…

There’s been a lot of fuss about WordPress 2.5 over the last few weeks, most of which seems to be negative press about bad design of the adminstration pages.

Well, it’s finally here, and if you are reading this then the upgrade of my blogs have been successful.

I can’t say I really like the new administration pages much myself, but the blogs look the same and seem to work fine so I guess I can’t complain. 🙂



Tag Clouds and Navigation…

This post has nothing to do with the blog-tag game!

Whilst meandering around a multitude of blogs I’ve been checking out peoples blog clouds and they make quite interesting reading. They’re quite handy for giving you an idea of what people are writing about and the relative quantities of posts in those areas. I do allocate posts to groups, but I’ve never really bothered with tagging individual posts. Well that’s changing. I’ve added a tag cloud to my blog and tagged a handful of posts. I’m not sure if I can be bothered to tag all old posts, but I’m going to try and keep on top of any new ones. It will be interesting to see how my tag cloud develops.

During my tag cloud escapde I got a message on the Oracle Wiki from a lady called Claudia commenting on the naming and ordering of articles in the OCP new features sections of my website. Many of the OCP new features are so small they don’t really warrant their own article, so I try to group them under the section title from the exam syllabus checklist. This saves me having loads of 10 line articles, but it can make life difficult if you are looking for information on say “10g VPD enhancements”, but you don’t know they are in the “Database Security Enhancements” group. I must admit I’ve struggled with this myself and have been forced to use the site search (left hand side of my pages) on numerous occasions.

Using a tag cloud wouldn’t really be appropriate here, but it did inspire me to create a feature list at the bottom of the 11g New Features section. They’re just links to the relevant subsections of the articles, but hopefully it will make the navigation a little easier. I’ll do a similar thing with the 10g and 9i new features sections when I get time.

Funny how things coincide like that sometimes…



WordPress 2.3.2…

Here’s what the dashboard says about the latest patch:

WordPress 2.3.2

WordPress 2.3.2 is an urgent security release that fixes a bug that can be used to expose your draft posts. 2.3.2 also suppresses some error messages that can give away information about your database table structure and limits and stops some information leaks in the XML-RPC and APP implementations.

If you’re reading this my upgrade must have gone OK. 🙂



WordPress 2.3.1 and Films…

If you’re reading this my WordPress 2.3.1 upgrade when well…

I went to see a couple of films at the weekend. First up was Eastern Promises. I came out of the film thinking it was OK, but the next day I really couldn’t remember anything of note in the film. The performances weren’t bad, and the story was OK, but it was a little lack luster. I guess it’s supposed to be an action thriller about underworld crime centered around a family of Russian immigrants in the UK. There are a few grizzly scenes, one of which involves Viggo Mortensen having a fight in a steam room. I really didn’t expect, or want to see, quite so much of his wedding tackle. I’m not sure this level of “exposure” was necessary to the story. 🙂

Next up was Resident Evil: Extinction. Milla Jovovich running around kicking zombie butt. I don’t think I need to say anything more do I? OK, it’s exactly the same as the previous two films, but that’s why I love it. Unfortunately, there were no scenes with Mila kicking zombie but in a steam room. This was a glaring omission in my opinion. 🙂



WordPress 2.3 and VMware Server 1.0.4…

It’s been an exciting couple of days on the upgrade front…

First, VMware released VMware Server 1.0.4. Don’t expect any new functionality. I can’t see anything different here, but it allegedly contains a whole bunch of security fixes, which is nice. Still no RHEL5 in the guest OS list, and the Vista support is still labeled as experimental. Both OS work fine, but I would have thought by now they could have sorted this. I guess you get what you pay for… 🙂

Next, WordPress released version 2.3 of their blogging software. If you’re reading this, the upgrade when well. 🙂

Happy upgrading…



WordPress, Karate and other stuff…

WordPress 2.1.2 is out. It fixes a big security flaw. Upgrade now!

On Saturday I went on my first Karate course since the knee operation. It consisted of a 1.5 hour session, an hour break, then a 2 hour session. I wasn’t exactly a superstar, but I survived and the knee is still intact. Onwards and upwards.

Kevin Closson’s blog post on Quad-Cores and Oracle licensing is thought provoking, especially the line, “could it be that SE will start to be the preferred multi-core edition?” I’m sure there are plenty of people out there using Enterprise Edition when they could get by with Standard Edition. Perhaps this will swing the decision in the short term. Only time will tell.

Windows Vista is still making people say WOW for the wrong reasons (Falling into the Vista trap). Of course, Slashdot readers have the sort of unbiased reaction you would expect to this article. 🙂



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