Old fart of Oracle in the making…

My company has just bought several PL/SQL Developer licenses and it’s a pretty good tool, but every time I edit a source file I keep accidentally using my beloved UltraEdit (a posh text editor). I then compile the code using SQL*Plus.

Now I know that PL/SQL Developer is designed for the job, but I have everything I need with UltraEdit. I don’t need a code beautifier because I know how to indent code. I don’t need a debugger as I instrument my modular code. I’ve had syntax highlighting for years in UltraEdit.

I’m seriously starting to think I’m becoming an old fart.

Please, somebody validate me. Tell me it’s OK not to use posh IDEs…



PS. I’m thinking of switching from FireFox to Lynx as my main browser. Those new fangled graphical browsers will never catch on…

Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

5 thoughts on “Old fart of Oracle in the making…”

  1. What’s UltraEdit? I use plain old vi to edit source. We also use PL/SQL Developer and it’s great for degugging other people’s code (my code doesn’t have errors, so I don’t use it for that).

  2. Jeff:

    You really are hardcore 😉

    By the way, what is that word “error” you speak of? I’m not sure I’ve heard the word before and I certainly have never encountered it in PL/SQL code…


    UltraEdit is pretty and hardcore all in one. Editing over FTP. Hex editor etc. But it’s the slipery slope…


  3. Ok,

    I see your point but, I can validate the use of pl/sql developer. In our development environment, you have multiple hands touching your code base (same package, different developers), you cannot get by without using source control.

    You can use your own indentation methods, but, using pl/sql developer ( which plugs-in with Visual Sourcesafe), you can beautify according to a standard (one set or beautifier rules), so that it’s uniform and easier to keep track of the changes in the packages.

    That is my opinion, what do you say?


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