My book arrived!

I got home late last night to find a note from the neighbours saying that a parcel had been delivered for me. To my delight it was some copies of my latest book.

I’ve been publishing on the web for years, but it’s quite an ego trip to actually hold a book in your hands with your own name on the cover.

I’ve already noticed a few format changes and additions that have been made by the editorial team, like the inclusion of cartoons at chapter headings, but in general I’m happy with the way it turned out.

I’m nearing the conclusion of my second book, so I’ll keep you posted.



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

20 thoughts on “My book arrived!”

  1. Hi Tim,

    Glad you liked our copyedit work!

    Your book has been very-well recieved so-far, and it appears that some buyers recognize your name, a real plus when you are competing, side-by-side on the bookshelves with established Oracle authors.

    If you need any free promo copies for lectures, &c, just let us know. . .

    BTW Jeff, I only made Tim buy 20 copies on Amazon. He gets the other copies at 3%-off . . .

  2. Oh, and don’t forget the best part:

    It’s 288 pages of super-good examples and tips for only $9.95, a real bargain when you consider that other publishers would stiff us $49.95 for a similar-sized book!

  3. You crazy kids!

    Jeff: I didn’t pay for the books. Don is just kidding.

    Don: You and Jeff really need to kiss and make up 😉



  4. Don: You and Jeff really need to kiss and make up 😉
    Now, now. The only bad feeling I harbor for DB is that he whacked me off his forums because I disagreed with him. We’ve had civil exchanges since…

  5. Sorry for the delay in answering. I was at Karate getting beat up 😉

    The next one is called Oracle PL/SQL Tuning. This is the link to the book, but the contents of the book have changed somewhat since the orignal proposal shown here:

    Mike Ault was originally going to write it, but he pulled out due to other commitments.

    Anyway, I’ve got a couple more chapters to do, but all the cool stuff is done.

    I’m quite excited by this one because it’s more mainstream than the last one. I’ve also managed to uncover a handful of bugs and undocumented changes whilst building the example code, most of which will be fixed or added to the documentation in 10g Release 2.

    You’d be amazed how much the development teams change without telling anyone else. On a couple of occasions I was told I was talking rubbish by Oracle support until the consulted development and found I was on the money.

    Anyway, enough of me blowning my own trumpet. I’ll get the next two chapter tied up and get it to techedit, then I’m sure a book will come your way. I believe it was orignally scheduled for release about now, so I’m going to be a bit late…



  6. Tell me about it. I’ve written 44 pages on them alone, and I’m not talking flowery stuff. It’s straight facts and proofs.

    But you’re going to have to wait until it’s ready 😉



  7. As Tim’s marketing guy, I’m always happy to give-away free copies to anyone who will write and publish a review and possibly recommend it to others!

    Some folks think I’m past-my-prime as an author, but I dare say that I have excellent radar for finding authors who have something to share! Here is the current list of over 30 Oracle books:

    Anybody who wants a free copy to review, just send Linda Webb an e-mail with your mailing address and I’ll have her get them right out to you:

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