Can you answer this question…

I’ve just been asked a question on mass loading of images into the database (Optimizing BLOBs for SQL*Loader) and to be perfectly honest I’m not sure what the best solution is.

I’ve worked on a number of projects where images are stored in the database, but in all cases the images have been loaded on a one-by-one basis as they arrived. Apart from exports and imports between schemas I can’t remember ever doing mass loads of images into the database.

Anyone got any suggestions, preferably based on experience of this?



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

3 thoughts on “Can you answer this question…”

  1. Hi Tim

    I did it a long time ago and can’t rememeber all the details.

    I think you specify a ‘blob_location’ column in the control file as a blob, put all your blob data together in a directory and put the path of that location into the corresponding blob_location column in the data file.

    Hope that helps,

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