Happy Birthday to me… (Yesterday…)

It was my 37th birthday yesterday.

On the way to visit my family I hit a pigeon, which wasn’t very nice. There wasn’t anything I could do to avoid it, other than not drive that day… 🙁

My brother and his wife hired a bouncy castle to keep the kids occupied, which of course meant that all the adults went nuts on it for the whole day, including the grandparents whose ages varied from 65 up to 78. I hope I can still jump around on a bouncy castle when I’m 78 🙂 There were several tramplings, flying head-butts and body-slam incidents, but everyone survived with only mild bruising 🙂




Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

4 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to me… (Yesterday…)”

  1. Hi sir,
    Belated Happy Birthday to you!Hope you had great time and fun!I am sorry I couldnt wish you before coz I am travelling at the moment,so I am not able to catch up my favorite blogs:((I shall tell where I am when I would come back).Butt still Have great time and just wish that you are going to celebrate 1000 more birthdays,every year with great fun and success.

  2. Happy belated birthday! “When I get older, losing my hair, many years from now….”
    Well, maybe not so many years from now ;-D.

    Enjoy your 30’s while you can. And remember you’re never too old to behave immaturely (take it from one who knows).

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