I hate Las Vegas!

I really do hate this place. OK, I’ve only seen the strip, but it is a truely wretched place. If aliens landed and thought this place was a true representation of the human race, they would wipe us out in an instant. If there is such a place as hell on earth, I think I’ve found it!

I have one more thing to do before I leave here, and I hope it redeems the whole Las Vegas visit. I’ll write about that later tonight provided I pull it off.



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

81 thoughts on “I hate Las Vegas!”

  1. Vegas? Wedding chapels, sure fire ways to break casinos, want to be photographed with your favourite star at a big show, your new career as an Elvis impersonator… nah, I give up – just enjoy it mate

  2. David: Great minds think alike. See my next post! 🙂

    Pete S: I think the drive-through weddings are a great idea. I passed one and sure enough, there was an Elvis impersonator there. What more could you want for a wedding?

    Vegas is just not what I’m about…



  3. Outside the Strip is no better. The whole city stinks like urine.
    You will find every third soccer mom driving around in a Hummer
    which will never set foot (?) on anything other than pavement if
    it’s driver has anything to say about it. Handicap parking places
    are taken up by people who are simply fat (not a handicap in my
    opinion). Everything outside the strip is spaced out by miles
    and miles so that you have to have a car to get around and their
    bus system is horrible, only coming once an hour to even the most
    highly populated areas, and sometimes it just doesn’t show up at all.
    On top of that are the people who live there. Ask someone
    why they love it there (and some people do, they just LOVE it) and
    they will tell you there is no state income tax(STATE income tax,
    there are many really nice areas of Nevada and Alaska, Florida,
    South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming also have no state
    income tax, everything is open 24 hours (in case you need to drive 6 or 7
    miles at 3am to get a cup of flour or a hammer or something), and
    there is a lot of money to be made there (this was told to me by
    several coworkers while I was employed by Pizza Hut, each
    of us making 6.00 an hour). It sunshines every day of the year,
    which might sound nice but it gets really annoying after a while
    and you long for just one day of something else, even if it’s just
    one little cloud. It’s the ugliest place on earth, no natural
    beauty, vegetation, rivers, etc., just rocks. It has no cultural
    significance outside of the strip, no arts or performance scene, no
    local music scene or places for local musicians to play. Cockroaches.
    I hate Las Vegas with all my soul. I might come accross as a
    hippy, tree-hugger type with most of my complaints but I’m just a
    normal guy. The problem is that Las Vegas is the most unnatural
    place on earth and that is the one thing that is most obvious
    about it when you live there. Las Vegas and the people who live there
    are everything the rest of the world invisions when they think of those stupid, fat,
    lazy Americans who just want to get rich and be around famous
    people. It is not meant to be inhabited by humans. I hate you
    Las Vegas.

  4. Thank God that Las Vegas and Nevada are not number one in growth. who in their right mind wants to move here. This town is very arrogant and is very condensending the way they talk about the weather in the East. All my relatives have outlived my relatives here. We are spoiled weather wimps who gripe if it goes below 50.

  5. I’m a new resident of Las Vegas. I moved here last summer. I’m origionally from the Midwest and I would have to agree with you on people’s attitudes around here. Many are very selfish. People in the Midwest are a lot nicer. The thing is that most people in Vegas moved here from the rest of the rest of the country, so it is hard to judge everyone here by the same standard. I have met many from out East and the Midwest.
    For the most part the eastern side of Vegas has more undesirables and homeless than the west side. I admit I came here for my job, but it isn’t that bad, have you been off the strip much? The people on the west side are not that bad.

  6. Vegas is the most disgusting, vile place on the planet Earth, or at least, of all the places I have been. Every known scumbag operation is in Vegas — prostitution, porn, child porn, selling kidnapped women and girls on the streets for sex (you don’t believe all those girls WANT to be there, do you?), compulsive gambling, tons of alcoholism, corporate dwelling on the dysfunctional, etc. The place is smokey, nasty, and full of huge corporate greed. What could be worse than corporations thriving on the dysfunctions of others – worse than the most vile vultures.

    The pain in Vegas could fill an ocean. Why anyone would want to visit there, let alone live there, is beyond me. Hated it.

  7. P.S. The weatherr is dry and hotter than a sauna. But the weather is much more temperate in Arizona and Colorado, and those are actually nice places to live.

  8. I like vegas it’s not corrupt, or full of crime. Vegas is completley diffrent today than 20 years ago. people are moving are moving in from the east and midwest, and especially california. They have changed the landscape for the entire state.

  9. If you don’t know the all the people here personally, then who the F@#$ are you to judge. Yes this city has more then its fair share of ass holes but for the good part the people here are just trying to live their lives like you arrogant pricks. If you think that you are better then any one else. Then you need to do some soul searching. And if you think people in this city have more problems then you then you need to look in the f@#$ing mirror.

    Vegas isn’t for everyone, only the people that can put up with arrogant assholes like you coming to our hometown like it is Mecca.

    You know your mom is right, keep you mouth shut if you don’t have anything nice to say because nobody cares how you feel.


  10. vegasgirl: I’m not expecting anyone to care about my opinion on this matter, but it’s my blog where I voice my opinion. You might well have the same opinion of my home town, and it’s your right to voice it.

    I’m sure there are many good points about Vegas, they are just not apparent to me, a casual observer. I didn’t come expecting wonders. As a non-gambler, non-drinker (mostly) and someone who avoids excess if possible, I fully expected not to fit in. I didn’t expect how wretched it made me feel. I’m sure there are many people round the world that would love the experience. I’m just not one of them.

    I would hate to think my opinion of the place is somehow a reflection of the inhabitants. I didn’t mean to cause offence. I can’t speak for other’s commenting here, and I’m not in the habit of censoriing comments.

    Thanks for your input.


  11. Tim I am sorry if I offended you. It was not so much your blog that sent me off the deep end it was all those other people, saying all those bad things about where I make my home. You are correct you have every right to have this blog, and if I might compliment you on your tact.

    It is all the others, some who have never been here that, I was speaking to and about.

    Again I apologize for my offense and I should have been more specific with my comments.

  12. Hi.

    No apology necessary. The comments are indirectly my fault, since they would not be there if I hadn’t written the initial post. I think maybe I should remove it or soften it a little as it seems to be getting me into trouble. 🙂 It was never meant to be a call to arms for Vegas haters. It was simply an expression of how I felt during my visit. Once again, thanks for your input.



  13. Vegas has me confused on many levels… first off, I was also duped into moving here. My own stupidity. I was fresh out of college and basically threw a dart at a map. At the time, Vegas had a reputation of being the promised land. It seemed like everyone was moving here so I figured it would be awesome. What I did not account for was that most of the people who were moving here were low life jerks who either screwed up some other place, or were looking for a spot to throw everything away. Its such a white trash kind of place, with most of the jobs being construction related. You don’t see very many intellectual, white collar, educated types moving here. Those people work in real cities. And don’t even get me started on the immigration nation that is Vegas. If I knew, what I know now about Las Vegas I would have never come here. With all of the various vacation spots around the country, I don’t get why people like to vacation here. The weather sucks, the people are rude, the food is over rated, and strip is now too expensive for most people. When I fly back into Vegas from visiting family, I usually already have a splitting headache by the time I am at baggage claim. This place is a joke.

  14. After retiring from the military, am fly now as a corporate pilot who is based in LA, I find Las Vegas interesting on many levels. After moving here in 2005 it quickly became apparent to me that for the most part, Las Vegas, the real Las Vegas is geared to the majority casino/resort/construction industry. It is clearly apparent to me that “Las Vegas” wants and desires a relatively uneducated/ignorant workforce, one that won’t ask questions or complain. One that will knuckle under to the wants of the employer.

    Las Vegas, as a one industry town attracts just that, those for the most part who lacks critical thinking abilities, education, good common sense. Sure, there certainly are highly educated, cultured individuals who call Las Vegas home. Sure, Las Vegas in many ways is a pretty nice place to live, save for the constant winds that blow dust and trash around- it is the high Mojave after all!

    My observations indicate that many in Las Vegas, go for the “bling-bling”, big chrome pickups and SUV’s; buy houses beyond their income and then simply return the keys to the bank and have credit scores in the mid 500’s.

    Las Vegas also has a lot of young parents with young kids. This for me, is new. Having lived in other cities domestically and overseas; I have never seen so many young out of control kids who appear to use their parents as doormats.

    Las Vegas in driving culture: A lot of very immature, “Speed Racer” types who from what I see are frustrated by their current place in life use their car/suv/truck as “I am faster than you” mentality and constantly challenge me at a stoplight to see if I will take their bait. NO, you blast your own car down the road at whatever speed you want, my ego is just fine thank you.

    In closing, Las Vegas is a magnet for those who seek a fresh start from their looser lives in some past looser life expecting life here to be better. Here is a clue to those, without education, yes, that piece of parchment, you will be imprisoned in a paycheck to paycheck career.

    Over the past couple of years, I have also had the pleasure of meeting a number of intelligent individuals in Las Vegas, who are educated, smart, fun and who actually contribute their part to our Las Community. To those, I tip my hat.

  15. Having just visited Las Vegas for the last (voluntary) time, I realized that any enjoyment that I once got from that city is now gone.

    I approached Las Vegas not with a critical eye to its politics, the waste it produces, or the expense at which it’s maintained, but rather I viewed it as an oasis of libertarianism (not my politics, by the way) where one can behave uninhibitedly within legal bounds and get away with it. It seemed a welcome contrast to the encroaching Nanny State that pervades in much of the more liberal (my politics) areas of the U.S. in an unfortunate trend.

    In Las Vegas you can smoke more or less where you want. You can drink to excess without drawing attention, and not have to watch your language. Also, you get to meet people from all over the world there.

    I took the approach that, as I was not there to gamble (ironically), that I would not waste that much of my money.

    After about a half dozen total trips to this city, and also having visited the off-strip part of it, I then realized that, for me, its luster has been lost and that the perceived “freedoms” come with a price tag.

    In Las Vegas, of course they want you to drink to excess: you’ll spend more.
    Prices are jacked up as “convenience fees” in a way, and it’s definitely not worth it. They seem to have some of the most lax approaches to other people’s money, credit card security, etc. Very little apparent accountability and many vultures looking to take advantage of that.

    Everyone seems to be looking for their “cut” whether it’s tips (common) or the referral kickbacks they get for recommending places to tourists.

    By the way, many Las Vegans seem to see the tourists as nuisances at best and “marks” (dupes) at worst.

    The rest, relaxation, and liberal social code benefits are just facades for low class graft. Las Vegas is the seedy massage parlor of America.

  16. I’ve been here for 5 days and if i don’t get home soon, i think I’ll sink into the depth of hell. This place is the most arrogant place I believe I’ve ever been. I am not here on pleasure, trust me, I would always choose sand and water. Basically my take on Vegas is over indulgence to the degree that makes one appreciate their home state or town so much more. I Thank God i visited here. i am saddened that the beautiful girls here “think” that in order to gain attention, they have to put on all the bling bling. it’s so sad because the beauty is in the naturalism of the heart and soul and sorry to say, I have been pretty much “saddened” by the sin city of which i have experienced. This is just my opinion and not to put anyone down, but i am so thankful that I live in a family town where there are lots of green trees and grass and beautiful lakes and streams and mountains. That is why I like calling North Carolina home. Thanks a bunch Andy Griffith. Nope, not a red neck, just a humble opinion o a North Carolinian.

  17. I have lived in Vegas for over 20 years, and I have to basically agree that Vegas is a stinky, nasty, horrible place. I’m only here due to financial obligations. Let’s be objective first. Every city has its bad things. You will find crime in every city, homeless in every city. Basically, if we look hard enough, we can find something bad about anything. If we look at Vegas history though, its foundation is gambling, originally run by the mob. That’s Vegas’s foundation, so everything that follows has that as its roots. The fact that our mayor is well-known for representing mobsters (Tony Spilatro very famous mobster who’s body was found beaten to death in a corn field) says something about people’s morals here. Vegas has no culture except gambling. Sure, there are tons and tons of jobs here, many of which are decent paying, but what kind of jobs? Almost all casino jobs: bartender, casino dealers, waiters, basically all service-oriented jobs, not that there’s anything wrong with that. The reason why this town is at the bottom of the barrel in terms of education is because if a person works their way up to one of the major casinos like Ceasar’s Palace (smaller casinos don’t pay well at all though), a person can make over $100K+ dealing cards; a bartender at a major casino can make just as much. That doesn’t require an education except 3 months of dealer school. So, it’s quick and easy money. The state of Nevada also has 100% legal prostitution, although only outside of Clark County, so this does not include Las Vegas; it’s about a 2-3 hour drive to one of the ranches for legal prostitution. The women here are mostly gold diggers as well. There is no culture here except the casinos. The fact that almost all theaters are in casinos says something about this stupid town. Housing prices are ridiculous as well. For about $180K – $200K, you can get a 1,400 sq foot home, tiny 3 bedrooms, and it will have like a backyard that’s about as wide as 3 people. Check the real estate listings to see for yourself. Oh, you may find bigger houses, but they’re all in crappy parts of town like 89030, 89122, 89128 areas, crime-ridden with drug dealers. If not, then they’re over $200K. So, we have 9 months of summer, 3 months of winter, and nothing in between. We don’t have blue water, nor greenery, but just all desert, brown dirt everywhere. It’s also windy as heck here, which is bad because all that brown dirt blows everywhere. There is never-ending dusting to be done inside the house because it just builds up. There’s no sense of community here, and people drive like maniacs here, always in a huge rush for some reason. In over 20 years, I can only think of one good thing about Vegas, which is that I can go to the grocery store at 3:00 AM; this is a 24-hour town. Well, that has changed a bit recently because all but one Wal-mart now closes at midnight. It’s also very, very difficult to get a business license here as well. That is, for 98% of all corporations do their incorporation in Nevada because it has tremendous benefits, but I’m talking about the little guy, someone just trying to start a small business or a home-based business. They make it so hard like going to 5 different places, filling out over 10 forms. I’ve spoken with other people that lived elsewhere, and it’s not like that where they’ve lived. It takes a minimum of 60 days to get a business license whereas a guy I know that lived in New Mexico got 2 licenses in a day. Vegas does indeed suck. It’s probably the very worst city on earth. Think about it, Vegas is literally in the middle of a desert.

  18. Yes, there’s a lot to hate about Vegas, but I think it’s fascinating. It’s the best and the worst of American culture, all in your face, all the time.

    Its founders overcame immense challenges to create a huge, thriving city out of absolutely nothing in one of the least hospitable places on Earth–all so that we could gamble and stuff ourselves with Prime Rib and a few people could make lots and lots of money. What could be more American?

  19. As I read these “I hate Las Vegas” remarks it becomes very clear that Las Vegas is not a real city. One or two people will attempt to defend this city, but it’s quite obvious how ludicrous that argument will be.

    Las Vegas is a hedonistic, precarious, and insane town. The only people who move to Las Vegas are idiotics or people who made a bad mistake to move here in the first place. Las Vegas ranks near the top of everything you don’t want. The rates for suicide, meth addiction, drugs, gangs, car theft, alcohol addiction, high school drop-out rates, young people who go to college, etc., etc., etc. are absurd. The rates for car insurance are high because of the 24/7 free flowing booze and the fact that people drive like jerks.

    Las Vegas is a cultural abnomoly because it has no culture. They are going to open up a “mob” museum. Golly gee, Las Vegas, that sure is culture. No one stays put in this town for long. Half the teachers who are hired by Clark County leave. Why? Because the CCSD is an administrative mess who are always looking for teachers. Gee, I do wonder why any professional would want to work for one of the worst school systems in the country. The foreclosure rate is among the highest in the country. Everyone wanted a part of the greed. They stay 5,000 suckers move to this hell hole every month. What they don’t seem to tell you is how people wake up and move the out of Las Vegas each month. This town seems to have lost the glory of being the fastest growing city in America. Wake up and smell the coffee.

    There are many “I hate Las Vegas” blogs (some very, very, very long). I wonder why? Because Las Vegas, Nevada sucks. They have the audacity to state that “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” Good riddance, let it stay there.

    If you are thinking of moving to Las Vegas do not do that. You will regret it the rest of your life.

  20. I do not understand all of the hatred. I was born and raised in Las Vegas in a respectable neighborhood with respectable friends and families. Except for the occasional problem child, everyone I associate with contributes to society, has a great head on their shoulders, and are genuinely decent people. You have to have a certain understanding to live here which is hard unless you grew up here. There are beautiful places you can go in the city. I think the problem with all of the haters is that they don’t understand people with real lives and real families exist off the strip, which is not, to many peoples’ surprise, ALL THERE IS TO THE DAMN CITY. If you want to sit there and complain about drugs and crime (which exists in mostly the southeast and northeast areas of town by the way), go ahead. But don’t forget there are staggering drug and crime rates in MANY other places in our nation as well, and people don’t bitch about those because the scenery is so glorious. I find that many times when people are so angered by the Vegas atmosphere, it has more to do with their own insecurities than the actual horror of Vegas. If you don’t like it, then don’t come back and stop whining about it. All you’re doing is clogging up our streets anyway. Think what it’s like for people that actually respect and do good things for our city, and then you people come for 3 days have a bad trip and want to bad mouth it. Give me a break. No one wants you here anyway.

  21. Hi.

    I agree that there is bad in every city, but remember, Vegas was built to support holiday visitors, not the “people with real lives and real families”. They are only present, either directly or indirectly, because of the tourism industry.

    This post was only meant as an expression of my opinion, not a statement of fact or a rallying call. I’m sorry if it offended.



  22. I am so disgusted I moved here and need to plan my escape. It’s so nice to read all the people’s blogs that are SO true. I have never wrote on any blog, but I am at my wits end. Low lifes hustle you every where you go. People hustle you to live here. They say it’s ok if you don’t gamble and drink, it’s ok if you eat healthy foods, and are a fit intelligent person who exercises and loves the outdoors, you can do everything here you did in California. BIG LIES! Las Vegas is the UGLIEST city on the globe, no culture, you can not walk anywhere, the people are extremely uneducated hustlers, that you should not trust. If you’re smart, and you don’t gamble, or drink and are active, there is NOTHING for you here. WORST city on the globe, the government is also corrupt, and it’s not so cheap here, that’s just again part of the hustle. Unless you’re a dumb dumb, DON’T MOVE to vegas.


  24. Why would you visit Las Vegas if you’re a non-gambler/non-drinker with no tolerance for excess? Seriously, I’m not trying to be condescending; I would just really like to know why you went there in the first place. And not just you specifically, Tim, but all the ultra-conservative anti-indulgence crowd that reguarly goes to Vegas just to complain about it and compare it to Hell. Why not visit a place that’s more your style?

  25. Hi.

    Yes. On reflexion it’s possible the worst place for me to visit. 🙂

    I was in San Francisco and Vegas is so famous I felt if I didn’t have a look I was missing out. I didn’t really think about what I would do there. I just wanted to see it. Once there I realised there was nothing there for me. If I had taken time to think about it I probably wouldn’t have gone.

    That said, the trip allowed me to do the Grand Canyon helicopter tour, which was the best thing I’ve ever done in the USA, possibly the world, so it’s not all bad.



  26. Someone here wrote that Las Vegans view tourists as nuisances and dupes.
    Of course we do.

    Anyone stupid enough to actually MOVE here deserves their misery.

    I was born and raised in Las Vegas, I’m at the bottom of the economic social ladder, crappy job, I live in North Town (watch every local wince) but it’s home.

    You people can badmouth it all you want just remember to put your donation into the nearest machine when you’re done.

  27. I have lived in las vegas for 5 years now and I like it. I guess all of you are entitled to your own opinions, however there are a few comments that crossed the line.

    Anything that begins with “all the people in Las Vegas” broad sweeping generalizations like this are inaccurate and impolite. Simply put you have not met all the people in Las Vegas and most likely the poeple you have met here a tourists from somewhere else.

    Anyone that says “the scenery sucks” are you kidding its world class. The desert is beautiful. As an added bonus we have snow capped mountains to look at too, plus you can see them from town.

    “There is nothing to do here.” There is plenty to do here. I have never known a place where you can have all the action of a big city, and then drive 10 minutes out of town and have nothing but wilderness surrounding you.

    So not to sound defensive but please quit bashing my spot, I am not bashing where you live

  28. baWWWW. You lost your money therefore you hate us. No love loss here. Vegas is amazing, lived here for all my live and I couldn’t live anywhere else. Live with it. I also guarantee no matter how old this is that you’ve been back and given us your money no matter what you say. Thanks!!!!

  29. Vegas didn’t get much of my money. I didn’t gamble and I didn’t drink. Just a cheap hotel bill and a bit of food.

    It’s pretty obvious you didn’t read the post and comments properly or you would know that…



  30. Tim, I think Anonymous is speaking more generally. Although this is your blog which makes you, if not the center of the universe, then at least close too it.
    However s/he raises an interesting point, perhaps some of the animosity towards sin city posted on this blog were generated by expensive visits to casinos and residents that developed gambling problems. As a resident, I would stress the importance of keeping your nose clean out here. Las Vegas as a place to live, would be a tough sell to an adictive personality.

  31. Vegas sucks seriously.. Your not living in Vegas your DYING.. Take it from me I recently moved JAN 2nd to San Diego Ca 1 mile from the beach WoW what a difference!! fresh air, moisture, real green grass, clouds then sun, perfect weather all year family enjoyment, lower blood pressure, better food, CULTURE, ARTS, MUSIC, nice people!!! beaches, sand, variety of landscape ie: beach mountains, desert grass , mexico down the way many many cities and fun stuff to do all within two hours… Now on to vegas dirty dusty deserty toilet bowl cest pool hot dry air boring brown landscaping overpriced everything horrible traffic retarded assholes nothing to do execpt drink smoke gamble and get p****d off when you lose.. then its off to walmart cause your COMPLETELY BORED attempting to pass time summers way too hot winters sucks too cold jobs pay s**t tips tips tips the only ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT VEGAS IS march – may and oct & november weather but even then with nothing to do your mostly indoors anyway no culture no education nothing SO I SAY F**K VEGAS thank god i moved TO SAN DIEGO CA AND IM LIVING not dying like the rest of the lost souls in vegas

  32. exactly! went to school in SD, and lived in LA the rest of my life. I’m now in this overpriced shithole armpit, under false pretenses. Ugly, boring, can’t walk anywhere, stupid asshole hustlers everywhere. No culture, class, sophistication, healthy food, outdoor activities, intelligent soulfull deep people, natural beauty, sidewalks, and a corrupt government. Amidst a sea of lowlifes, I must get out ASAP!

  33. bottom of the barrel- people, environment, atmosphere. Worst city on the globe to live. Stupid trash are the people and the place. All hustlers. As nike says just do it, just don’t do it if you’re considering moving here. Boring, devoid of intelligence, culture, activity. Just corrupt trash.

  34. I cant believe noone has mentioned the summer bugs. Ive lived here 5 years and it never fails every late May I have to sweep out my garage of the graveyeard of cockroaches and crickets. This lasts until about mid October. It disgusts me. Thank God I didnt commit into buying a house. I am literally counting the days I am out of here. So as far as the bugs and all the other bad reviews commented on this blog i have come to the conclusion that Vegas is truley Americas toilet that is in desperate need of cleaning.

  35. This place has no soul. Can anyone speak of anything not regarding money. Environment, culture, fitness, love- simple, yet intelligent caring topics with depth. I have yet to see that, so sad. LV is an illusion with a sad, ugly empty core, worst place on the planet

  36. A list of the things I hate about my City (las Vegas).
    1. Way to dangerous to ride a bike in this city, even on the roads that have bike lanes. And the roads that do have bike lanes the lanes seem to just disappear after a few miles.
    2. Education Week ranked Clark County as having the fifth-worst graduation rate at 44.5 percent. But School District officials say it’s closer to 60 percent.
    3. If you want to see a tree (a real one not a Joshua tree or one planted by someone) you have to drive 20 miles up a mountain and deal with crowds of people.
    4. The father of one of my friends is a hydrogeologist and he told us after they tested the water at Lake Mead last year that we should not even swim in it anymore.
    5. The prices of energy in this city suck. The Hoover Dam is 30 miles away for god sakes. California gets more of the electricity from the dam than Nevada or Arizona and its not even in their state.
    6. Constant road construction on the 15, 95, 215, and surface streets. A lot of the streets you cannot even see lines on because the city never paints on new ones after the original ones get worn off.
    7. The wind sucks yes, but it is the only thing that will blow away that giant smog cloud that hangs over the city.
    8. If you want to see a movie you almost always have to step into a casino.
    9. Day laborers harassing you, even in nice parts of town.
    10. What the hell is up with these black crickets?
    11. No one follows the road laws because the police are to busy to enforce them.
    12. Nothing is fun when its 110+ degrees outside.
    13. Trash all over the place.
    I will say a couple good things. The winters are mild and if you need something at 3 am you can go to a store and get it. Other than that it sucks.

  37. I completely agree with everyone here, and may I add, try being single and coming from beautiful Western Europe! The men here might as well be covered in slime, as they are some of the fattest, dumbest, sleaziest creatures I have ever seen, and I’ve lived all over the world!

    Following is an example of one of my better dates with one of the “natives” in Vegas.

    Seriously, the last date I went on, which will be my last one here, was with a guy from the internet (I just can’t take seeing the 14 year-old half-naked sex slaves work the club scene here).

    Anyway, this particular throw-back said that he was a “bodybuilder”, (which in Vegas, is code for muscle under a big gut, and whole lot of fat), and of course, he also neglected to mention that his photo was 25 years old!

    I met this a big, bloated, sad sack of arrogant steroid abusing emptiness, at his favorite “outdoor cafe”, beside a busy road, in the middle of the desert! Lovely! (It was like trying to relax inside of an old dirty laundromat dryer filled with hot motor oil, and a low talker, or perhaps his voice was just plain worn out from yelling over dinner traffic for 50 years! I don’t know, I may have blacked out a little from shock, and fumes)

    So as we sat drinking our high-priced, low quality, burned coffee, which he loved of course, off the side of the highway, of this grease-stained asphalt parking lot in one of the nicer neighborhoods here (if there is such a thing), Mr. Slime-ball Universe 1973, proceeded to lecture me about the environment (because he had just read ONE book that the rest of the world read ten years ago), and although I told him about ten times, that I had read the book, and was very familiar with environmental concerns, …(as I am a global environmental attorney from a Green county!) he told me the exact same thing, using slightly different wording. (as if I wouldn’t notice)

    After I explained what my job entailed, for the third or fourth time, and what “green” meant in environmental terms, which he clearly did not understand, I couldn’t take it anymore, (it was like talking to a giant monkey from the 1940’s, who had been some sort of experiment that had gone horribly wrong) so I told him of my rapidly increasing nausea from the asphalt vapors, bad coffee, hot dry, dusty/dirty wind, and and exhaust fumes from the cars parked next to our table, and we left.

    I made a dead run to my hybrid (seriously, most of these guys seem to be recent “escapees” from somewhere, so you need a planned exit strategy), and Captain One Book Bodybuilder-Envoronmental Protector, from Planet Oblivion, thinking that everything went just peachy, got into his Hummer, of course.

    (Btw, what is up with these random roaches the size of a baby’s head in the middle of the desert! Turns out, there were side effects from those radiation tests after all, and I have the dating stories to prove it!)

  38. I feel the pain and disgust here like all of you. Where are you, as already stated, the only people I see here are ugly, fat, stupid, hustling, selfish, predators. I miss the beach, the outdoors, walking, beauty, intelligence, class! And much more! Help, I must get out of this trashy, awful, overpriced, unhealthy armpit!

  39. P.S. I so agree with all the posts, and as for the recent one’s; the driving, biking, single men that are all LOSERS, even movies only in casino’s, I SO FEEL YOUR PAIN!

  40. Las Vegas is a bizarre, disgusting wasteland. It is fake, it is boring, it smells horrible, and I am sure is great fun with anyone with an IQ in the double digits or a serious case of arrested development.

    I got talked into going with friends. Of course the locals want people to come, that’s how they make their money. This place is a total waste of time.

  41. overated pit for scumbags. people only nice when trying to extract $ from you. stupid hard nasty people, horrid environment. Expensive, corrupt government. Unhealthy food, ugly bad climate. No honest professionals, just dishonest thugs and hustlers, worst city on the globe

  42. I’ve been to Las Vegas, and have vowed never to return: it seemed populated by mindless miserable people throwing away their money, and by others only too keen to take it from them. Hideous, disgusting, terminally tasteless, and aimed at those who never grow up.

    It appalls me think of the waste: of lives, of electricity, and of opportunities far more life-enhancing.

  43. Wow, what a site! And I couldn’t agree more! We came to Vegas 3+ years ago. I got a job at a casino, did well, had no marks on my record and they laid me off. Since then, I’ve been looking for something else where I can make a living. I find p/t crap that pays $7 or $8/hour. Insulting as hell but one has to eat.

    If a person comes down here and doesn’t have “connections” or is an honest and upstanding person, Vegas will tromp on you. You will not make it.

    If you are a snake, crooked, sleazy, yeah, Vegas may be just the place for you. Three more months and I’m out of this place FOREVER.

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