Database Change Notification…

I’ve recently been playing around with Database Change Notification, which is basically an asynchronous triggering mechanism. I’m not really sure why I would use it in an application, but it’s always nice to know about this stuff, just in case. I suppose it’s not drastically dissimilar to the the use of a handler module in Fine Grained Auditing…

I really need 11g to be released, then I can look at some cool new features… 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

One thought on “Database Change Notification…”

  1. Well, for one you can use like this: you make a program that listens for changes on certain table. When something does change, the DB notifies the application of the change (so you have a “push” method – as opposed to “pull” method, where the app checks the table for changes on predefined time interval).

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