Dig to New Zealand…

It turns out, if I take a short trip to Olvera in Spain and dig a hole straight down I will eventually get to my mates house in New Zealand. This sounds like a much better idea than sitting on the plane for ages, and I expect the travel costs will be much cheaper! I can’t believe I didn’t think of it sooner…



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

4 thoughts on “Dig to New Zealand…”

  1. You forgot to add in the time taken to pass through security on each side, which would easily make it a three hour trip. 🙂



  2. I read somewhere a long time ago that any spot of the earth surface on land has the opposite spot on the other side on sea.
    Except for New Zealand, the only one that “maps” to land on the other side. At least partly.
    I knew those kiwis had to be different!

  3. Noons: I don’t think that is true. I just had a play with that map and it looks like South America and China match up as well. I guess there are probably a few places, especially if you count Antarctica as land…



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