38 Today…

It’s that time of year again. At about midday today I will be 38 years old. I’ll probably be swimming, which is a good way to mark the occasion.



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

10 thoughts on “38 Today…”

  1. Congrats.

    It could be worse, it could start with a 4 a 5 or a 6!

    And anyway the music of our misspent youth was on primetime TV last night was it not.

  2. Happy (belated) Birthday!

    You share the day with Lindsay “How can you not like Britney Spears?” Lohan. Astrology must be true! 🙂

  3. Thanks all.

    Joel: Funny you should make the comparison with Lindsay Lohan. After repeatedly being photographed getting out of a limo with no underwear on, I decided to bleach my hair and check into rehab. It’s like we’re the same person… 🙂



  4. Well, blow me down, mate…Happy Belated Birthday!

    Now that you and Joel mentioned it, that was an ugly picture of you getting out of the limo and going for a swim w/o your underwear on.. Urgh…I’m blinded, please kill me now!

  5. Hi sir,
    Belated happy birthday,I am sorry I was travelling and was having a very little net access.Wish you a great year ahead and may god give you his choicest blessings and you get all the success and happiness that you deserve.
    hope you had a very nice time.
    Best regards

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