Search Engines…

Andy C wrote an interesting post on Google vs Yahoo. It prompted me to take a look at my own statistics, something I usually try to avoid. Based on last month, here are the standout points:

  • 80% of my site traffic comes from search engine referrals.
  • Of those search engine referrals, 80% are from Google.
  • Only 0.6% of referrals come from Yahoo!
  • The traffic is fairly evenly split between Europe, Asia and the Americas




Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

4 thoughts on “Search Engines…”

  1. The same thing is true of my website (ArdentPerf). In fact I never submitted it to any search engines – yet somehow google found it almost right away and started indexing. And it keeps surprising me how high google ranks many blog posts in general – not just mine – compared to other engines. If I were to guess I’d say it’s related to (1) using good blog engines like WordPress which are standards-compliant and structure the document pages well (e.g. separating all layout into stylesheets) and (2) being linked from other sites with solid technical content. I feel like there’s still a decent gap between google’s search algorithms and anyone else’s… and when I’m looking for Oracle-related technical content I still seem to consistently get better results from google.

    And then there’s the random fact that someone added one of my pages to stumbleupon… and I still get a rather large number of hits each month from there… weird. 🙂

  2. Yes. The only ‘SEO’ optimization I applied to stock WordPress was the ‘OptimalTitle’ plug-in which simply transposes the blog name and article title (which now comes first).

    As for StumbleUpon, I got massive traffic spike last November from a Stumble. I was genuinely surprised at how many people use it.

  3. None of the other search engines even register. The other traffic is made up of a few forums, that my stats considers search engines and unknown sources.



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