Frantic Assembly – Stockholm…

Brace yourself. This is even more random than most of my blog entries…

Last night I went to see a physical theatre production called Stockholm by a company called Frantic Assembly. It’s a two person performance about a rather dysfunctional relationship. It’s a very gritty, for want of a better word, performance and certainly not easy watching. Some of the dance sequences freaked me out because there were knees and shins getting far too close to the corners of kitchen work surfaces for my liking. I was expecting some accidents, the thought of which make my shins ache, but fortunately the two performers survived the show, although a couple of bruses were evident from previous performances.

I’m no expert in this stuff, but I do know what I like and I thought this was really cool. I think I might go and see some more of this stuff.



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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