Data Recovery Advisor…

When I first saw the name Data Recovery Advisor, I thought I was going to have a really dull time figuring how this new 11g functionality worked, but it is really quite cool!

I don’t care if you are a beginner or a battle-scarred DBA, every time you have to recovery a database, you get a little twinge of doubt about whether it’s going to work. Sure, if your backups are good and you’ve practiced your recovery scenarios it should work, but what if…

The Data Recovery Advisor goes some way towards calming those jitters by automatically identifying, diagnosing and optionally repairing the problem for you. I think this is totally cool and a great move by Oracle.



PS. This article got on the front page before it was actually finished. I apologize if you caught the half-done version. 🙂

Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

3 thoughts on “Data Recovery Advisor…”

  1. Thank you for a great article!

    Do you have some estimates on how long the failure analysis takes? Are there any specific configurations that make it take significantly longer?

  2. Hi.

    In the example I used the anaysis seemed almost instant. I guess it depends on the type of incident. When it comes to the VALIDATE, I expect this will take longer if your database is bigger, since it will have more to check. Also, adding logical corruption checks into the mix must add to the overal timescale involved.

    As far as the reactive tests a reconcerned, these seem to bemore focused on the issue that caused the error, so I assume these are more quickly processed, but I have no evidence of that.



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