Google Calendar and GooSync…

I read Jake’s post this morning and it hit a raw nerve because I’m a bit slack on the Calendar front. I use the calendar on my phone, but don’t sync it to anything, so when I “misplaced” my phone yesterday morning I had lost everything… Fortunately I found my phone last night, but it made me realize I’m one incident away from being screwed.

As a result I decided to centralize my calendar on Google Calendar and use GooSync to synchronize my online and phone calendars.

Now as long as I don’t lose my phone on the same day Google go out of business, I’m probably safe… 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

3 thoughts on “Google Calendar and GooSync…”

  1. Speaking about online calendars and getting screwed, one of the local morning zoo radio programs mentioned this morning. One of the dj’s was even bright enough to point out that a sysadmin could probably access all of everyone’s data.

  2. So this guy spent years figuring out how to do what every other calendar app allows you to do, which is write a record of “something” you did on a specific day…




  3. Heh, exactly why I prefer installed to online and on paper to installed for really important things. Things tend to go wrong in direct proportion to their importance to me. Or maybe I just don’t remember the unimportant fails.

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