
Friday was my last day at work, so today I’ve officially joined the ranks of the unemployed…

My current plan is to take the rest of the year off and start thinking about getting a job in the new year. I’ve got a lot going on over the next few months, so I don’t think I’ll get a chance to get bored. If I do, there’s always Diagnosis Murder and Murder, She Wrote to keep me occupied… 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

6 thoughts on “Unemployed…”

  1. ….and if things get really bad you could get a slot on Jeremy Kyle with the rest of the unemployed!

  2. I’ve been flying around the world speaking at conferences. So far I’ve been to San Francisco, Perth, Sydney, Gold Coast, then I’m off the New Zealand tomorrow.

    Fun, fun, fun…



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