Frankfurt Update…

It’s now 21:45 German time and I have no news about what is going on. It looks like a straight flight to SF will cost and extra $4,400 and someone has got to decide who is going to pay it. Oracle Travel are being really cool, unfortunately this is a three-way conversation between Oracle Travel, Lufthansa and United, and I guess none of them want to pay. From what I’ve seen so far, the blame lies firmly at the feet of United, but who knows what will come out with the wash.

Some time tonight I’m expecting a call to tell me when I’m going to fly. Alternatively, I’m thinking about applying for residency. 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

5 thoughts on “Frankfurt Update…”

  1. Tim, what a nightmare, though it sounds like Oracle are looking after you (or at least not leaving you in it). Hopefully all it’ll turn in to is a stay overnight in a nice hotel, then a relaxing flight over to SF tomorrow.

    See you at the Serrano



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