Maskerade, Feet of Clay, Hogfather, Jingo, The Last Continent and The Celestine Prophecy…

I’ve read a five more of the Discworld series.

Maskerade: The witches get involved in a Phantom of the Opera plot.

Feet of Clay : The City Watch are involved in a detective story involving Golems, men made out of clay.

Hogfather : Death takes over the role of the Hogfather and leaves his granddaughter to carry on the family business.

Jingo : Ankh-Morpork goes to war with Klatch over a mysterious new island.

The Last Continent : Rincewind and the Wizards get mixed up in the creation and evolution of the continent XXXX, which has striking similarities with Australia. This was especially funny as I started reading it when I was in Australia. No Worries! 🙂

On a completely different tack, one of my friends recommended The Celestine Prophecy. It’s written in the first-person, so it has the feel of fact, rather than fiction. Quite an interesting book really. Anything that makes you question your belief system is interesting, even if it is a bit fanciful.

That brings me up to date I think. I best get out to a book shop and get the next Discworld book. 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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