Slovakia Day 1…

That’s day 1 over as far as teaching is concerned. The audience is quite a diverse mix. Everything from 6 months to 10+ years of Oracle experience and from variety of countries too. I’ve even got a member of Oracle staff in the group. I wonder if he’s a spy… 🙂

It’s always dangerous to start getting too analytical about the lessons part way through course, so I will leave that until after I finish tomorrow.

I probably should go out and do some sightseeing now, but I think I’ll probably get some food and come back to the hotel and collapse. 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

One thought on “Slovakia Day 1…”

  1. Hi sir,

    I believe it must be a Public batch. In Public batch, this is fairly common to see one guy asking, what’s a cursor, another how to tweak a collection code using Bulk Collect 🙂 .

    Have rest , its much needed , not for today but for the the 2nd day 🙂 .


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