Sherlock Holmes…

I really enjoyed Sherlock Holmes. I’ve never read the books and I’m not a fan of the TV series, so I wasn’t sure I would go for this, but it really works for me. Thanks to Noons for encouraging me to go. 🙂

Robert Downey Jr. is always great, so no big news there. I know Jude Law is pretty, but he’s never really impressed me before, but I actually thought he did a decent job here. I think the two of them worked really well together.

In addition to having an excellent name, I really like what Mark Strong does. I was watching Revolver again the other day and he plays “Sorter” really well. He was also very cool in the TV show The Long Firm. I’ve seen him play good guy, bad, guy, quirky guy and straight guy and he just seems to fit.

Another big success for Guy Ritchie. IIf you omit “Swept Away”, he’s had an unbelievably consistent career.



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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