PL/SQL Vs. Oracle JVM: Speed Comparison for Mathematical Operations…

I remember hearing someone talking about this years ago and I never actually took the time to check it out. It looks like the real answer is “it depends”. For the basic loop processing and maths the JVM does look a little faster. It was just a curiosity thing, but I thought I might as well write it up as an article on the website.



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

6 thoughts on “PL/SQL Vs. Oracle JVM: Speed Comparison for Mathematical Operations…”

  1. Hey Tim – no fair!!!

    FOR i IN 1 .. 1000000 LOOP
    … plsql stuff …

    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(‘PL/SQL (‘ || p_operation || ‘): ‘ || (DBMS_UTILITY.get_time – l_start) || ‘ hsecs’);

    l_start := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time;

    FOR i IN 1 .. 1000 LOOP
    … java stuff …

    when you multiple the java timings by 1,000 more – you might see a different difference!!!!!!!

  2. Sure enough, when you compare apples with apples it looks kinda different. Thanks for spotting the “deliberate” mistake… 🙂



  3. Hi!

    The 11g (R1) docs say that arithmetic operations on SIMPLE_INTEGER use hardware ops directly if the code is natively compiled, which implies that this is not the case in your example (see

    “Without the overhead of checking for nullness and overflow, these subtypes provide significantly better performance than their base types when PLSQL_CODE_TYPE=’NATIVE’, because arithmetic operations on SIMPLE_INTEGER values are done directly in the hardware. When PLSQL_CODE_TYPE=’INTERPRETED’, the performance improvement is smaller.”

    So, it might be worthwile to do this test, too.


  4. Hi.

    Yes. I know about SIMPLE_INTEGER. It is included in the example because originally the article contained a native compilation example, but it seemed rather pointless as it’s an unfair comparison (Native PL/SQL vs non-native Java).

    I’m still considering re-introducing it, but I would do a natively compiled PL/SQL vs a natively compiled Java, as that would be the only fair comparison. 🙂

    For the moment I’ve replaced SIMPLE_INTEGER with PLS_INTEGER so as not to confuse. Flip it back in if you want to try with native compilation. 🙂



  5. Hi,

    If you compare the exponentail function, you’ll see a big diffrence. In my environment, the java version is 5 times faster.

    create or replace function java_power(base number, exponent number) return number
    as language java
    name ‘java.lang.Math.pow(double, double) return double’;


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