Pr0n Attack…

It seems my forum has become subject to an onslaught of pr0n spam. Sorry if anyone has got an eyeful. I’m trying to delete it as soon as it arrives, but I can’t be on the forum every minute of the day.

If anyone has any tips regarding anti-spam on phpBB I would be happy to hear them. I’m currently using reCAPTCHA, but am looking at other mods to see what else I can do to prevent it.



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

4 thoughts on “Pr0n Attack…”

  1. Or perhaps as an alternative tactic, you could review the various sites linked to, and provide a weekly guide to what’s “hot or not”, so to speak. To go alongside the film and book reviews.

  2. It takes the mind of a business man to see an opportunity where I can just see a problem. I guess that’s why you are BI consultant to the stars and I’m just a chump. 🙂



  3. Hi.

    The first action in the first mod is impossible. The line it tells you to locate does not exist. I think maybe this is an old mod.



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