Getting fit (update)…

I mentioned in my last post about trying to get fit. I just thought I would give a little update…

It’s 5 days since I joined the new gym and 4 days since my disastrous first personal training session. What a difference 4 days makes. I’ve been hitting the gym every day and doing interval training (sprint-slow intervals) like I did with the personal trainer. Even though I’m fat I’ve got quite a bit of endurance for steady paced stuff. I can swim 2 miles of front crawl without a problem. I can ride a stationary bike or cross trainer for ages, providing boredom doesn’t set in. The interval training is a totally different kettle of fish. On the first attempt 15 minutes killed me. Today 30 minutes felt OK. It’s never going to be easy because the fitter you get the harder you try. I’m trying not to get too excited and extrapolate to a beating Paula Radcliffe in a marathon, but I’m pleased with the difference already.

One slight issue, that I should probably consider a good thing, is the exercise is making me gain muscle at a crazy rate. I did a lot of weight training as a kid and I guess the whole muscle memory thing kicks in. Everything has puffed up, but hidden under a liberal coating of fat it just makes me look fatter now than I did when I joined the gym. In the long term, it’s a good thing as muscle is active and burns fat even when resting, but at the moment it feels a little negative.

Anyway, new week starts tomorrow…



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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