OGh Tech Experience 2017 : Day 2

I woke up on day 2 feeling pretty dreadful, but I lay in the bath for a while, waiting for a dose of Lemsip to kick in. By the time I got out of the bath I was feeling OK-ish.

By the time I finished the 20 minute bus ride and the short walk to the venue I wasn’t feeling so great, but the adrenalin started to kick in, which always helps. I sat for a while chatting to the people in the speaker room.

My first session was “It’s raining data! Oracle Databases in the cloud.” It went a lot better than I expected. There were a lot of people in the room and I managed not to cough too much and generally stayed snot-free. 🙂

After that there was a gap of about 2 hours until my next session. I hid in the speaker room for most of it and had another dose of Lemsip before my next session.

My next session was “Pluggable databases – What they will break and why you should use them anyway!” By this point the adrenalin was starting to wear off and I started to find it a little harder to find my words, getting a little tangled up a couple of times. Hopefully it wasn’t too bad for the audience.

From there I went back to the speaker room for five minutes, then headed back to the hotel to sleep.

I’m glad I managed to get through my sessions, but I feel bad I was not able to contribute more to the event. The fun thing about most events is interacting with everyone, as well as watching some of the other presenters. Instead I was pretty much absent for the whole event. I’ve had a few people message me asking where I was. 🙁

Sorry everyone!



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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