My GitHub, Vagrant and Docker Updates

I thought I would post an update about some of the things I’ve been doing that don’t necessarily fall exactly in line with my normal website content. All of it can be found on my GitHub.


Once the ‘bento/fedora-29’ box was released I created a Oracle 18c on Fedora 29 build. If you are interested in that sort of thing you can find it here.

A few of the other Vagrant builds have been updated to use the ‘bento/oracle-7.6’ box. I’ve run through them all and they seem to be fine.

As part of a recent question, I ran my RAC builds on Windows 10, Oracle Linux 7.6 and macOS Majave hosts. They all worked fine, with no drama. I also tried them with less memory than before, as my MBP only has 16G of memory. It worked fine. I updated some of the “” files to reflect these tests, and the option to use less memory.

I’ll be doing some stuff with Data Guard soon, so I will probably update those builds to use the latest ‘bento/oracle-7.6’ box and maybe neaten up anything that annoys me along the way. 🙂

All the Vagrant-related stuff can be found in this GitHub repository.

I’ve always assumed Vagrant was so simple it didn’t really require much in the way of explanation, but I was discussing it with someone from work, and figured it was worth a short post to explain a few things, just to save me having to repeat myself, so here it is.


I’ve done a few random things on Docker recently. Nothing particularly earth-shattering, but maybe worth a mention.

At UKOUG last year (a month ago 🙂 ) I was speaking to Roel Hartman about some stuff he mentioned in his Docker session. As a result of that I had a play with Portainer and Docker Swarm. I know Kubernetes has won the container orchestration war, but Swarm is so simple and does most of what I need.

I also needed to make some changes to my DB and ORDS Docker images to make using host directories as persistent volumes a little easier. I wrote these up as some short posts.

All the Docker-related stuff can be found in this GitHub repository.

As always, I feel the need to mention I’m not an expert in this stuff, and I don’t consider any of is “production ready”. It’s just stuff I’m playing with to learn the tech. If you find it useful, great. If not, that’s OK too. 🙂



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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