WordPress 5.3 “Kirk”

WordPress 5.3 “Kirk” has been released.

I guess many of the people out there are running on hosted solutions, so your upgrade will happen when your hosting company decides to apply it. For those that self-host, you’re just a button press away.

This morning I’ve updated 5 separate blogs, all hosted independently, and they all went through fine. At the moment the upgrades have to be manually initiated, but I’m guessing in a few days they’ll just run through automatically.

Since it was introduced, the Site Health feature (Tools > Site Health) has been improved with each release. It’s worth running this to check if there are any recommended security or performance settings. The new release picked up some things the previous release didn’t. My website was bounced a couple of times while I made changes to sort them.

If I’m honest, I can barely notice a difference. I’m not a “power user” of WordPress. I just write blog posts with it. There are allegedly improvements to the block editing, but I really can’t tell. A couple of the popup controls look a little different, but from the way I use it, that’s about all. I’m sure people with different usage patterns will have a different reaction to this release.

I was interested to see what the Twenty Twenty theme would look like. Not my cup of tea! 🙂

It wouldn’t surprise me if we get a couple of quick maintenance releases coming out soon, but I still think it’s worth pushing forward with this stuff. No point living in the past. 🙂

Happy upgrading…



Author: Tim...

DBA, Developer, Author, Trainer.

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