The Oracle ACE Program : My 17 Year Anniversary

It’s April 1st, which means it’s my 17th year anniversary of being an Oracle ACE.

As usual I’ll mention some of the other anniversaries that will happen throughout this year.

  • 28 years working with Oracle technology in August. (August 1995)
  • 23 years doing my website in July. (Original name: 03 July 2000 or current name: 31 August 2001)
  • 18 years blogging in June. (15 June 2005)
  • 17 years on the Oracle ACE Program. (01 April 2006)
  • 8 years doing videos on my YouTube channel, with some breaks of course.

Fingers crossed for next year…



Update Oracle Database Time Zone Files (Poll Results Discussed)

In case you didn’t know, countries occasionally change their time zones, or alter the way they handle daylight saving time (DST). To let the database know about these changes we have to apply a new database time zone file. The updated files have been shipped with upgrades and patches since 11gR2, but applying them to the database has always been a manual operation.

With the recent switch over to daylight savings time in the UK I decided to post this question on Twitter yesterday.

How often do you update your Oracle database time zone files?

We get less than 6% of people updating their time zone files on a regular schedule. Nearly 45% who only do the updates after a database upgrade, and nearly 50% of people who never do it at all.

I can’t say I’m surprised by the results. In terms of the reasoning for these responses, I’ll reference some of the comments on Twitter.

Regular Schedule

“Every ru patch, also thanks to 19.18 it is included now and with out of place upgrade and autoupgrade, i dont do it anymore 🙂 all automatic.”


If you are using AutoUpgrade to patch to a new Oracle Home, then applying updated time zone files is really easy. Before 19.18 it’s just a single entry “timezone_upg=yes” in the AutoUpgrade config file. From 19.18 onward the update of the time zone file is the default action (see here).

So interestingly, there may be some people who don’t know they are applying an update of their time zone file, who actually are now…

After Upgrades

This feels like the natural time to do it for me, and it seems many other people feel the same.

As mentioned previously, AutoUpgrade makes it simple. From 21c onward AutoUpgrade is the main upgrade approach, even for those that have resisted using it for previous versions, so this question goes away from an upgrade perspective.

We can specifically tell it not to perform the action using “timezone_upg=no”, but I’m guessing most people will just go with the default action.


“NEVER. As an American-only company with very little need for time-specific data, quite unnecessary. Horrible design with no rollbacks and headaches w/data pump. Just not worth it if possible to avoid”


I totally understand this response. Many of us work with systems that are limited to our own country. Assuming our country doesn’t alter its own daylight savings time rules, then using an old time zone file is unlikely to cause an issue.

When you consider the number of people that run *very old* versions of Oracle, you can see that using old versions of the time zone file doesn’t present a major issue in these circumstances.

With reference to the data pump issue, I’ve experienced this, and it was also picked up in the comments.

“My hypothesis: Most do it when datapump tells they need to do it to get the import file they just received to load”

Connor McDonald

Offline/Online Operation

The point about this being an offline operation was raised.

“Well it is an offline operation, so pretty exceptional thing to do. Only in a rare case where some feature requires the upgrade – like DataPump failing or query over dblink failing.”

Ilmar Kerm

Downtime is never welcome, but it was also pointed out it can be an online operation in 21c.

“Offline will be a thing of the past…

Connor McDonald


It seems like the time zone file version is not high on the list of priorities for most people, providing it is not causing a data pump issue. I totally understand this, and I myself only consider it during database upgrades.

I always like reading these poll results. I know the sample size is small, but it gives you a good idea of how your beliefs compare to the wider audience.

If you are interested to know how to manually upgrade your time zone file, you can read about it here.



Using ChatGPT to write PL/SQL code…

I’ve been having a play with ChatGPT over the last few weeks, and I wanted to give a little example of using it to try and write some PL/SQL code. Importantly, I wanted to know how close it would get to generating runnable code against an Oracle database.

Calling a web service from PL/SQL

Let’s start by asking it a pretty straight forward question.

Question: Write the code to call a REST web service from PL/SQL using the APEX_WEB_SERVICE package

I think that’s pretty impressive, and not much different to my own example on the website. If someone gave me that answer in an interview question I would think they had done a reasonable job, but does it work? Not without some additional stuff.

What about the network ACL?

The first issue is it doesn’t mention we need to create a network ACL to allow us to make a callout from the database.

Does ChatGPT understand we need an ACL? Let’s see. I ask it about the ACL, and it gives me an explanation of using an ACL.

Question: Do I need a network ACL?

It’s using the pre-12c syntax, but let’s create it with the correct values.

conn sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/pdb1 as sysdba

        acl         => 'jsonplaceholder.typicode.com_acl.xml',
        description => 'Example ACL for REST web service',
        principal   => 'APEX_220200',
        is_grant    => TRUE,
        privilege   => 'connect',
        start_date  => NULL,
        end_date    => NULL
        acl        => 'jsonplaceholder.typicode.com_acl.xml',
        principal  => 'APEX_220200',
        is_grant   => TRUE,
        privilege => 'resolve'
        acl  => 'jsonplaceholder.typicode.com_acl.xml',
        host => ''

I would normally prefer to use the 12c+ syntax, shown below, but we will continue with what ChatGPT suggests rather than using the newer syntax.

conn sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/pdb1 as sysdba

  l_principal varchar2(20) := 'APEX_220200';
  dbms_network_acl_admin.append_host_ace (
    host       => '', 
    lower_port => 443,
    upper_port => 443,
    ace        => xs$ace_type(privilege_list => xs$name_list('http'),
                              principal_name => l_principal,
                              principal_type => xs_acl.ptype_db)); 

What about the wallet?

The next issue is it doesn’t tell us to create a wallet to hold the root certificate for the URL. It’s using a HTTPS address, so I have to use a wallet. I downloaded the root certificate from the site and put it in the “/tmp” location on the database server, then created the wallet as follows.

mkdir -p /u01/wallet
orapki wallet create -wallet /u01/wallet -pwd WalletPasswd123 -auto_login
orapki wallet add -wallet /u01/wallet -trusted_cert -cert "/tmp/Baltimore CyberTrust Root.crt" -pwd WalletPasswd123

Because it didn’t tell me the wallet was needed, it also neglected to tell me the P_WALLET_PATH parameter was necessary in the MAKE_REST_REQUEST call.

Does ChatGPT understand we need a wallet? I ask it about the wallet, and include a typo. 🙂 It didn’t care about the typo, and still gave us an answer. It doesn’t tell us how to create the wallet itself, and it thinks the SET_WALLET procedure is in the APEX_WEB_SERVICE package, but it’s in the UTL_HTTP package.

Question: Do I need a wallet?

I feel like that is a fail. Not only did is get the wrong package name, but we would typically use the P_WALLET_PATH parameter with APEX_WEB_SERVICE. Even so, it might give us a clue about where to look next.

What about the output from the DBMS_OUTPUT package?

Finally, it didn’t tell use to turn on serveroutput to display the output from the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE call. If this code was called from an IDE that might not matter, but from SQL*Plus or SQLcl it’s important if we want to see the result. I asked ChatGPT why I couldn’t see the output and it produced a lot of text, that kind-of eluded to the issue, but didn’t flat out tell us what to do.

Question: Why can’t I see the output?

Did the final solution work?

With the ACL and wallet in place, adding the P_WALLET_PATH parameter to the MAKE_REST_REQUEST call and turning on serveroutput, the answer is yes.

conn testuser1/testuser1@//localhost:1521/pdb1

set serveroutput on

    l_url       VARCHAR2(4000) := ''; -- Replace with your API endpoint
    l_response  CLOB;
    APEX_WEB_SERVICE.G_REQUEST_HEADERS(1).name := 'Content-Type';
    APEX_WEB_SERVICE.G_REQUEST_HEADERS(1).value := 'application/json'; -- Replace with your desired content type
        p_url         => l_url,
        p_http_method => 'GET', -- Replace with your desired HTTP method
        p_wallet_path => 'file:/u01/wallet'
    -- Do something with the response, for example print it to the console
  "userId": 1,
  "id": 1,
  "title": "delectus aut autem",
  "completed": false

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.



Overall it is pretty impressive. Is it perfect? No.

The interesting thing is we can ask subsequent questions, and it understands that these are in the context of what came before, just like when we speak to humans. This process of asking new questions allows us to refine the answer.

Just as we need some “Google-fu” when searching the internet, we also need some “ChatGPT-fu”. We need to ask good questions, and if we know absolutely nothing about a subject, the answers we get may still leave us confused.

We get no references for where the information came from, which makes it hard to fact check. The Bing integration does include references to source material.

Currently ChatGPT is based around a 2021 view of the world. It would be interesting to see what happens when this is repeated with the Bing integration, which does live searches of Bing for the base information.

When we consider this is AI, and we remember this is the worst it is ever going to be, it’s still very impressive.



VirtualBox 7.0.6

VirtualBox 7.0.6 maintenance release has arrived.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I’ve installed it on Windows 10 and 11 machines with no drama. I’ve also run Packer builds of all my Vagrant boxes, which you can find on Vagrant Cloud here.

So far so good. I’ve not had any drama.

I’ll be doing lots of testing over the next few days as I add the latest patches to my Vagrant builds. I’ll update here if I notice anything unusual.



Life Update : The first rule of Oracle Games Console…

Life has been a little quiet on the publishing front recently. You may have noticed I’ve not posted many new articles or blog posts of late. This situation is likely to continue for some time, and I thought I would drop a post to let you know why…

I’m currently spending most of my time playing with a certain beta product, and all of that is covered by a non disclosure agreement (NDA). Over the last few weeks I’ve written a bunch of articles, but I can’t hit the publish button on them yet. Over the coming months I’ll continue to write new articles and give feedback to Oracle, but of course you will not be seeing any of this.

Once the product goes live I’ll be able to release all this stuff, with the obligatory edits/rewrites to take account of the changes between the beta and live versions of course. The total amount of content will be no different in the long run, but there will be a baron period for a few months followed by a glut of content. I suspect this situation will be similar for a number of folks in the Oracle community.

The rules are a bit different for Oracle employees, so you will be seeing teasers for new functionality from them, but not from the rest of the community…

Over the next few months I’ll mostly be posting memes and “from the vault” links on social media, just so you don’t forget I exist, but it is going to be a relatively quiet time…



UKOUG Breakthrough 2022 : Day 2

Day 2 started pretty much the same as day 1. I arrived late to avoid the traffic.

The first session I went to was Martin Nash with “Oracle Databases in a Multicloud World”. I was a bit late to this session, but from what I saw it seemed the general view was “don’t be stupid, stupid”. Multi-cloud can add some complexity and latency, but if it’s what you need, it’s all manageable. If you do have a system where multi-cloud is not suitable, don’t do it for that system. Most things can be migrated, but some things are easier than others. Pick your fights. Sorry if I came to the wrong conclusion… 🙂

I often get the feeling that some people think everything has to be all or nothing. We have Oracle Cloud Apps on Oracle Cloud. A bunch of stuff on Azure, with more to come. One of our major systems is moving to AWS in the next couple of years. Then of course we still have a load of stuff on-prem. This isn’t because we are desperate to be multi-cloud. It’s just the way things have happened. I’m sure we’ll run into some issue along the way, but I’m also sure we’ll solve them. Once size does not fit all…

BTW Martin now works for Google, so we have to hate him. 🙂

Next up was Jasmin Fluri with “The Science of Database CI/CD”. I already had the long form of this presentation because I read Jasmin’s masters thesis, but I was interested to see how she summarised some of it into a presentation. She did a great job of getting the main points into a 45 minute session, which can’t have been easy. It was also a little depressing, because I’ve come a long way , but I’ve still got such a long way to go. Ah well…

After Jasmin was Erik van Roon with “Scripting in SQLcl – You Can Never Have Enough of a Good Thing”. The session discussed how to extend the functionality of SQLcl with your own commands written in JavaScript. I get the distinct impression Erik has too much time on his hands. If anyone wants to join me in staging an intervention, just let me know. 🙂 I’m not sure if I will use this functionality, but it’s always good to know it exists, because you never know when it might come in handy, and knowing it’s possible is the first step.

Last up for me was “The Death of the Data Scientist, But Long Live Data Science” by Brendan Tierney. To summarise Brendan talked about the recent mass layoffs of data scientists, suggesting a number of factors including a glut of data scientists on the market, low return on investment from many data science teams, and the simplification and automation of data science to the point where it had now been integrated into products and domain-specific staff roles. It’s typical hype cycle stuff. We’ve moved from the “Peak of Inflated Expectations” to the “Trough of Disillusionment”, and the job market has corrected itself because of that. It doesn’t sound like a move from DBA to data scientist is a great career move right now. 🙂

I spent some time chatting to Brendan, then it was off to beat the traffic home so I could return to real life again.

UKOUG Breakthrough 2022 is over now, and it was a good introduction back into the world of face to face conferences for me. I’m still very nervous about the thought of travelling, but based on the last few days I’m hoping I can get my conference mojo back. Just don’t expect too much too soon. 🙂

Thanks to all the conference organisers and speakers for giving up their time to make this happen. See you all again soon.



UKOUG Breakthrough 2022 : Day 1

The evening before the conference the Oracle ACEs met up for some food at a curry place in the city centre. Thanks to the Oracle ACE Program for organising this! Earlier that day I presented my first face to face session in 3 years, and now it was time for my first social event in a similar timescale. I was pretty nervous going into it, and quite standoffish at first, but I gradually relaxed and “conference Tim” started to come back. By the end of the evening I was feeling a lot more comfortable with the situation. It was nice to get to meet up with a bunch of people I had not seen for a long time. It also made me feel a bit more relaxed about going to the conference the next day.

The one downside of going to a conference in your hometown is commuting. I don’t live far away from the venue, but regardless of the mode of transportation, commuting during rush hour is a nightmare. Instead I chose to wait for the rush hour traffic to die down and be fashionably late. That was the right move.

The first session I went to was Simon Haslam speaking about “Platform Engineering for the Modern Oracle World”. I’ve got a lot of time for Simon. Him and Lonneke Dikmans sowed some seeds in my brain a long time ago, which have ultimately had a big influence on me over the years. In this session he talked about the various approaches to automation over the years, culminating in where many people find themselves today. I found myself nodding my head in agreement with most of what Simon was saying during this session. I joked later that his session gave me post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when I thought back through many of those stages. 😁 A group of us continued the conversation about the topic after the session, which is always fun.

Next I moved on to the Oracle ACE Briefing. The first rule of the Oracle ACE Briefing is don’t talk about the Oracle ACE Briefing. Once again, it was good to see a lot of familiar faces, and some new ones. Once the session was over, and we knew everything there was to know about the Oracle Games Console (#OGC), I spent some time talking with Dominic Giles, while he desperately looked for ways to get rid of me. He didn’t succeed. 😉

By the time I finally let Dom go, it was time to watch Jasmin Fluri and Gianni Ceresa presenting “Git Branching – the battle of the ages”, or “Development Workflows: The Battle of The Ages!”, depending on which title you prefer. The session was a celebrity death match between trunk-based development (Jasmin) and Gitflow style development (Gianni). Gianni fought dirty, but ultimately Jasmin was able to overpower him and grind him into the dirt. At least that’s how I saw it. 🙂 Both sides gave compelling reasons for their preferred method, and ultimately there is a lot more similarity between them than some people would have you believe. As is often the case, there is no “best”, but what is “best for you”. Not surprisingly, this sparked another conversation at the end of the session, with a few war stories thrown in for good measure.

At that point I had to head off to beat the traffic across town, as I had some “real life” things to do.

So that’s was day 1 of UKOUG Breakthrough 2022. I know it will sound silly to most people, but I was stressing about the conference and it turned out to be a lot easier than I expected. Fingers crossed day 2 will go well also.



Fedora 37 and Oracle

Fedora 37 was released recently. Here comes the standard warning.

Here are the usual things I do when a new version of Fedora comes out.

Why do I do this? As mentioned in the first link, Fedora is a proving ground for future versions of RHEL, and therefore Oracle Linux. I like to see what is coming around the corner. Doing this has no “real world” value, but I’m a geek, and this is what geeks do. 

I pushed Vagrant builds to my GitHub.

If you want to try these you will need to build a Fedora 37 box. You can do that using Packer. There is an example of that here.

So now you know how to do it, please don’t! 🙂

What’s New?

So what’s new with Fedora 37? You can read about it here.



VirtualBox 7.0.4 and Vagrant 2.3.3 – Another VirtualBox Fail (For Me)…

VirtualBox 7.0.4

Please read the update at the bottom of this post before making any conclusions. I wanted to leave the rest of the post unedited, but needed to update my current situation as it has changed since this post was written…

VirtualBox 7.0.4 has been released.

The downloads and changelog are in the normal places.

From my previous posts on VirtualBox 7.0.x you will know I’ve been having problems with it. They all seem to come down to networking. I can often, but not always, start up an existing VM, but if I try to build a new VM with Vagrant it will fail to setup the networking. Also, if I attempt to use Packer, it will fail to find the kickstart file, which it attempts to access over HTTPS. Both cases seem to be network related.

I’ve done all the usual firewall and antivirus stuff, and trawled the internet to see if anyone else has a solution. None of that has helped.

When I saw VirtualBox 7.0.4 I was hoping this might solve my problem, but no. I get the same issues on Windows 11, Windows 10 and macOS (Intel). This makes VirtualBox 7.0.4 unusable for me.

When I revert back to VirtualBox 6.1.40, everything works as expected…

I don’t know if this is just me, or if a lot of people are having problems with VirtualBox. It seems odd that I am getting the same result on multiple machines on two fundamentally different architectures though.

So my current suggestion would be use this at your own risk…

Vagrant 2.3.3

Vagrant 2.3.3 has also been born. Upgrading to this didn’t cause or solve any issues for me. Even though I’ve had to revert back to VirtualBox 6.1.40, this new version of Vagrant is working fine for me.

Packer 1.8.4

At some point since my last run of Packer builds version 1.8.4 was released. This follows the same pattern. It works great with VirtualBox 6.1.40, but doesn’t work at all with VirtualBOx 7.0.x.


Sadly VirtualBox 7.0.x is still a bust for me. Maybe I’m the only one on the planet, but it is unusable for me. I hope this changes in the future as I rely on VirtualBox bigtime…



Update: I’ve now switched to using VirtualBox 7.0.4 completely, and all issues have been resolved. This post by Frits Hoogland explained what my problem was. This is solved by adding the “–nat-localhostreachable1” parameter. That solved my Packer problem, and subsequent VM problems. Happy days…

Update 2: An update from Simon Coter suggests the issue is due to the way Vagrant and Packer use the VirtualBox CLI, rather than the API. The workaround mentioned in the previous update is still the easiest way to move forward.

APEX 22.2 : Vagrant and Docker Updates

I know it’s hard to believe that anything happened last week other than the implosion of Twitter, but APEX 22.2 was also released.

As normal, this resulted in a bunch of updates to my builds.


All relevant Vagrant builds were updated to include APEX 22.2. Many had been updated recently to bring them in line with the latest Oracle security patches. You can find the build here.


As with Vagrant, all the relevant Docker/Container builds have been updated to 22.2. You can find the build here.

Real World

If the release had been a couple of weeks earlier I would have been able to push it out during this quarters patching cycle. Unfortunately this release will now how to wait until the January 2023 patching cycle for me to push it out at work.

Our APEX upgrades/patches are automated (as mentioned here), so I could push this release out at the press of a button, but all the relevant teams would have to do their testing, and that probably isn’t going to happen until the next patching cycle, so it’s just going to wait until then. 🙁

My Suggestion

Even if your work environment moves forward at a slower pace than you would like, it still makes sense to keep a test/play environment at the latest and greatest versions, so you can learn the new stuff and see what issues are coming round the corner for your applications.

All my home builds are now on APEX 22.2, running on the beta release of the Oracle Games Console (#OGC). 😉



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