RTFM… If you can find them…

A certain something has been released today, so like any self respecting DBA/Developer I went straight for the manuals…

At the time of writing there are none listed on OTN or Tahiti. I tried cunningly altering existing URLs to match the new version, but to no avail.

I’m sure they will appear soon. 🙂



Update: Thank you to Mathew Buttler for pointing out the documentation is available here:


Fedora 11 and Oracle 11g…

It’s that time again where I check to see if Oracle installs on the latest version of Fedora. The result once again is yes, it does. The main website has the links to the articles. I would add links here only the browser on this internet cafe machine doesn’t support cut & pates. 🙂

When I get on a real computer I’ll put the links in this post as well. 🙂

This release of Fedora is probably quite significant as it is likely to be the base for RHEL6.



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