APEX 19.2 : Vagrant and Docker Builds

I’m sure anyone who cares knows that APEX 19.2 was officially released on Friday. I did an upgrade of one of our development instances straight away and it worked fine. it’s subsequently gone to a bunch of other development instances. I’ll be pushing to get this out to production as quickly as possible.

Over the weekend I worked through a bunch of my GitHub stuff.

Vagrant : I’ve updated all my Vagrant builds to use APEX 19.2 and the latest versions of Tomcat 9 and OpenJDK 11. I was using newer versions of OpenJDK, but it seemed a bit silly, so I reverted back to the long term support release. I tried updating the base box to ‘bento/oracle-7.7’, but it kept giving me timeouts, so I’ve reverted back to ‘bento/oracle-7.6’ for the moment.

Docker : Same as above, I’ve updated all my Docker builds to use APEX 19.2 and the latest versions of Tomcat 9 and OpenJDK 11. I noticed oraclelinux:8-slim was behaving a little strangely. I thought it was a PATH issue, but I need to spend some time to understand what is happening. It seems you can’t run basic commands like dnf during the build phase. It’s probably something stupid I’m doing, but for now I’ve switched from oraclelinux:8-slim to oraclelinux:8. Just making that switch made everything work as expected.

My Docker builds within the company have gone through a similar process, so as I’m rolling out APEX 19.2 to the databases, I’m also switching the ORDS containers over to the new images. You gotta love containers!

I guess I’ll be working through all this again when the next version of ORDS and SQLcl drop. 🙂



APEX 19.2 Download Available

Yesterday evening Hildo Haenen tweeted that the APEX 19.2 download was available. You had to use the direct file URL and you had to have agreed to the license agreement on another download, as pointed out by Markus Hohloch, for the URL to work, but you could get the software. Of course, I wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing (I totally did…).

Today it seems the download page has been updated and you can get hold of the software in the normal way.

Happy installing/upgrading folks!



Update: Some people may still see the download page as a 19.1 download. I guess it’s just a matter of waiting for the CDN in your region to update…

PS. First upgrade done… 🙂

“Thank you for installing Oracle Application Express”

PPS. Joel Kallman just made the official announcement here.

ORDS, SQLcl, SQL Developer 19.2 (Vagrant and Docker Builds)

The folks at Oracle dropped some new presents for us today, including version 19.2 of the following.

I’ve updated my Vagrant builds and ORDS Docker builds with the new versions and everything seems to be working fine so far.

Tomorrow I’ll probably try out some of our development ORDS containers with these releases and see how they work out. They are similar to this build, so I’m sure they will be fine…



Update: I rolled ORDS 19.2 out to all our Dev/Test environments this morning. We run them all on Docker, so it was really quick and easy. 🙂

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