Video : Multitenant : Hot Clone a Pluggable Database (PDB) in Oracle Database 12.2 Onward

Today’s video is a run through the hot cloning functionality introduced in Oracle 12.2 multitenant.

You might also be interested in this playlist.

If videos aren’t your thing, you can always read the articles, which contain more information.

The star of today’s video is Craig Shallahamer. Craig is a really dynamic presenter, and I think this is the only time you will ever see him standing still! 🙂



Multitentant (Pluggable Database) Videos

It’s been over 2 years since 12c was released and there still seems to be a lot of confusion about the pluggable database stuff. I think most people know the top-level concept, there’s only so many times you can see the memory stick analogy before it gets burned on your skull, but that doesn’t do much to help with the reality of working with it day-to-day.

I’ve written a whole bunch of articles on pluggable databases (listed here), but even then I think there is quite a bit of text for what in many cases is a feature that consists of a single statement. 🙂

I’ve recently been pushing out some videos on this stuff and I’ve got some more already recorded for release while I’m at OOW. Of course, the articles allow you to copy/paste your way through an example, but I think the videos give a more accurate representation of just how simple some of this stuff is from a functional perspective. If you are interested, all the multitenant stuff will be added to this playlist as it is released.



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