New Articles on Old Themes Inspired by Work…

I’ve put a couple of new posts live recently that are on quite old themes.

The instance caging article was my feedback to some people at work about one method for managing resources in a consolidated environment.

The last couple of days I’ve been helping one of my colleagues improve the performance of a Business Object report that contained calls to PL/SQL functions in the select list. The report took ages to run. So long in fact I don’t think anyone had actually waited long enough to see it complete. 🙂 After a bit of messing around we got it down to less than a minute. The function calls article is a summary to help prevent other people making the same mistakes. I think this is probably going to be the subject of a future Tuesday meeting at work…

In a recent Tuesday meeting I presented my forthcoming UKOUG session entitled “PL/SQL: Stop making the same performance mistakes”. That references some existing articles on my website, but there are a number of things I’ve been teaching in my Oracle University class for ages that have never made it on to the website. To correct that, I put another 6 PL/SQL articles on the site (with some more to come), but the subject matter is so old I’m not going to promote them to the front page. I will write a new article to support the UKOUG session, which will mostly be links to all the relevant content covered by the talk. That article will go to the front page, so all this content I’ve added to the site in “stealth mode” will become evident in the near future.



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