The downfall of forums (part 2)…

It seems my previous post went some way to inspiring Eddie Awad’s recent post.

I’d just like to confirm that I don’t agree in using RTFM as an answer to a post. People should be guided in the right direction, rather than trampled on. My point is more that people need to take responsibility for themselves, part of which is reading the manuals before asking simple questions.



The downfall of forums…

I’ve had a few conversations recently about the state of numerous Oracle forums, including my own. It feels like most posters these days don’t even bother to open the manuals before asking a question. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been asked a question, that is answered by the first couple of paragraphs in the manual. It’s just lazy beyond words.

Now I’m not having a go at those individuals who struggle to understand the manuals. I realize the documentation is quite dry at times, often involves a lot of cross referencing and English is not everyones first language. Even so, sometimes it is quite apparent that no effort has been made to find the answers for themselves.

I suppose the general lack of effort out there means my skills are even more valuable, but it’s hardly a consolation.

I’m sure it wasn’t like this in the old days… 🙂



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