Knowledge Spreading at Work…

During my PhD our lab would have Friday meetings where we would take turns (3-4 people each week) to stand up and talk about scientific papers we had read recently. It was on a rota, so you only had to speak about once a month, but I truly hated it. I would go as far as to say I preferred taking my turn to clean the hot lab (the room we did all the radioactive stuff in), even if my mate Big Steve had spilt stuff all over the place, which he did on a regular basis…

Fast forward the best part of 20 years and I’m pretty comfortable with this whole speaking thing, so I suggested it might be a good idea if we start some type of regular meeting at work to help with the knowledge spreading. I spoke to Connor McDonald about this a few years ago. It was something he used to do in a previous company…

So next Tuesday begins the first of our fortnightly 1 hour meetings. Initially I will be doing all the presenting, but I’m hoping over the coming weeks some people will pluck up enough courage to give it a go, even if it’s just for a 10 minute slot. I’ve got a whole bunch of stuff I can present on, so what does the boss ask me to do for the first one? The talk I’m giving at UKOUG this year, which I’ve not written yet… 🙂 Looks like I better knuckle down over the next few evenings and get something written.

I’m quite looking forward to doing it. I’ve said I will take requests, so I’m hoping it gives me some inspiration for new articles or conference presentations.



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