On my way to NZOUG…

Today is the day I fly to New Zealand to present at the NZOUG conference.

I got to the airport 2 hours before the flight as usual, but I’ve been here 3 hours already and I’ve still not boarded the plane. I have a long wait at Dubai, so this delay shouldn’t affect my connection. It’s 7 hours from Birmingham to Dubai, then 18 hours (including a fuel stop in Melbourne) to Auckland. I have a feeling I’ll look like “Dawn of the Dead” when my friend picks me up from Auckland Airport. I’ve not even started yet and I’m already kinda nervous. The thought of 18 hours on a plane is really getting to me. I only hope I can get some sleep on this trip.

It’s about 5 minutes to boarding now so I need to go through my last minute panic session before getting on the plane. 🙂

If there is ever another blog entry it means I made it. If not, it was nice knowing you all…



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